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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Yeah , most of them will be playing it this Friday
  2. No games and no resolution pro is a mistake
  3. Higher sales.or higher meta ? Sony shills LOL
  4. Higher sales or higher metascore ? Lol.thcbfk
  5. Yet everyone cheers Sony for it . Such bias . Why don't you suck a dick , stupid mutt
  6. Ms can't show games this gen or next gen but it's okay for Sony to show shenmue and ff 8 6 7 years before they come out ? Rofl
  7. How does MK support relate to Xbox 2 games ?
  8. MK support isn't anything to save for a next console launch .
  9. I don't think there are any games I'd pick MK over controller
  10. Most played game of the year - Sonycell dot com
  11. T3hDumbo is now playing FH4 LittleNyutz is now playing FH4
  12. Hurt feelings itt more people here will be playing this than Spiderman . Fact
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