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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. I like when you get the app is say play PS exclusives on your PC
  2. I would like a real sequel to Amplitude
  3. Do you know the process of buying a gun in America ? Do you think it's like alcohol just show an id and leave ?
  4. Because there are more guns than Americans That would mean people can still get guns legally Legal or illegal . You can still HAVE them smh
  5. It won't work . Just because 6ou think it will doesn't mean it won't . I went over reasons why . You won't acknowledge them
  6. You can't have that discussion . You just say what you think is right and get mad when I say it wouldn't work . If it was as simple as you think it wouldn't be a problem
  7. Why would you assume that ? If you have a few hundred bucks and live near any city you can get a gun
  8. It's not the people's choice to make the changes.
  9. All the fantastic solutions at system wars , maybe the government should just look here idiots
  10. Lol how mad people are over a joke . Maybe edit some posts ? Too bad you can't edit your life
  11. Non Americans cannot really speak on this because you don't understand how things are here because you don't live here I'm not saying they need to try something different. I'm saying you quick snips of well just ban gunsz are ignorant and stupid
  12. They can ban new gun sales for all I care . The problem is there are more guns than Americans and anyone could easily get a gun illegally . It's as easy as getting a bag of weed . Most places stopped sales of assualt "sytle" weapons already . That crazy person that feels like killing you ....will kill you . The guy could have easily bombed the place of he had no gun .
  13. You're dumb as fuck and think you can solve mass killings in America with gun control and buybacks ? Free mental health screenings ? lol Absolutely idiotic
  14. All the people shot minus the officers were old as fuck . He could have went in there with a butterknife .
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