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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. You have 2 weeks , added to SRvO
  2. Lmfao seriously . Sheep are ....sheep
  3. I'm still juggling 3 games. No point adding a 4th into the mix. When I do get it , it will still be the BEST version Remij won't even finish it. Half his fun of playing games is benchmarking them so no wonder it's a slow start thhbk
  4. Really kills the Sony sheep to see Xbox crushing Pro and all the other postive news . It REALLY hurts them
  5. It's cute how you got SLAPPED ,ho
  6. ModMaltese getting slapped around itt LOL
  7. Maybe in this game but maybe not on a 1080p screen . Plus I doubt this is the only game he will be playing .
  8. By enabling super-sampling in firmware 5.5, the game believes you have a 4K screen connected and the system takes over from there, downscaling the image and producing beautiful anti-aliasing in the process. The improvement to image quality is clear; jagged edges are smoothed over, more detail can be resolved in some cases, while flickering is also reduced in motion on sub-pixel detail - something we can't really show you in our screenshot gallery here.
  9. I don't know the technical shit but whatever low res PS4 has like 1440 doensampled on a 1080p tv will look a lot better than normal 1080p When I first got my X I still had a 1080p tv and the games looked so much cleaner . Also the other small benefits of pro will still be noticable on a 1080p screen. It's dumb to buy a base console now . What tv are you gaming on ? The Westinghouse in the laundromat? Rofl
  10. 30 day outfits lmfao Vs Exclusive 4k and exclusive better performance ....forever that outfit gonna look so much better in native 4k . Cows having to play the pussy cheese smeared LowP version LOL
  11. Guess it's your full blown npc time . You idiot . Lol you cant claim you aren't an idiot. You won't even try
  12. You've responded almost immediately to me in every thread I've made begger . Loser . 40yr old virgin haha
  13. 3rd ...4th time you got caught it? No wonder you defend the first post lol
  14. Obviously. He begs for my attention so I play . Don't want his brother walking in on him in tears
  15. So you didn't watch the beginning. Ok
  16. Phil Spencer ✔@XboxP3 Red Dead Redemption 2 looks and plays best on Xbox One X https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2018-red-dead-redemption-2-face-off … 10:53 AM - Oct 25, 2018 Red Dead Redemption 2 looks and plays best on Xbox One X PlayStation 4 - and latterly, PS4 Pro - have taken centre-stage in Red Dead Redemption 2's pre-release marketing campaign, meaning we have a pretty decent i…
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