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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. 9 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    He said 30 was garbage without saying "30 is garbage"... lmao needing shit spelled out for you :mj: 


    And my god... the load times on Xbox are fucking horrendous..  :kaz: 


    The PC version shits on the Xbox version LOL...  Jeff made the same choice as anyone else would if they had the option :pavarotti: 

    Lol your making up stories . Seems to be all you do .  Load times are bad on PC too .


    Massive LOD problems on PC lol . The verdict is clear . And the winner , as always ...is X 

  2. 1 hour ago, Bodycount NX said:

    would be perfect for switch now!







    So many great arcade cabinet options for switch. USFII also sold gangbusters, so there's no excuses.


    we're #1 afterall, time to accomodate the industry's top platform. no more niche platforms like playstation, arcade or PC.



  3. 3 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    FH4 best on Xbox? :mj: 


    Xbox has a huge massive issue the PC doesn't have... it runs at 1/4 the resolution to maintain playable framerates :kaz: 


    JonBTFO :lawl: 

    I thought resoultion doesn't matter to hermits now ? Lmao 


    Massive LOD issues on PC it's broken . No surprise . All.pc games are broken LOL 

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