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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Sod2 is dope . Playing Detroit is fantastic but sod oh no no . Lol fuck off dick sucker
  2. What Sony exclusives did you buy this year ?
  3. I don't believe what they said about op is true. Why ? Same reason as you. You fucking fruad stfu biased idiot lol
  4. Far Cry 5 and whatever game he swears DF is wrong about , but nobodyxgamer is right about
  5. Funny you only think they are wrong when it comes to Xbox
  6. Wrong when you want them to be Right when you want them to be You're starting to be like aza with all this junk . Keep it in the nerd thread
  7. I'll play later . Was going to get back into the game but the dlc is still stupid overpriced for an old ass game
  8. Don't forget the worst street fighter game made outside of the movie game
  9. This honestly makes aza and the Sony sheep happy such sad creatures lmao
  10. Digital Foundry ? Those guys are not to be trusted
  11. Or as cute as your family portrait. My Two Dads LFMAO
  12. Cumij got fucking RAPED ITT fucking dumbo lol
  13. ROLMGDAO Is Red Dead 2 VR on PC?
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