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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. 6 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    It is correct.  Is the rendering of the image handled by the engine Dynamite? :bena: 


    And I find it hilarious you're arguing the angle that you are... you spend an extra $500 on an Xbox for exactly that... rofl.


    And the fact that you're arguing this when you know that PC versions of games have better quality settings for various aspects to the graphics... alongside higher resolutions and the ability to display many many more fps.


    On X1X.. you're getting a $500 experience...  sub native half the time... less quality settings than the PC versions... and 2-3x less performance.  It's a wash.

    What do you get with a 500 dollar PC ?



  2. 3 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    Not only this... but when I say something about PC being better than Xbox One X, Dynamite throws a tissy and claims that PC is dead... but in other threads against cows and sheep talking about PC he say "NO PC is doing better than ever... yadda yadda"


    This guy says whatever the fuck suits his narrative.


    FACT.  PC is more powerful than Xbox

    PC is better than Xbox

    PC gets WAY MORE games than Xbox

    Xbox LOST this gen

    NO reason to own one



    Here's a reason . To get a 4k gaming machine , you can get an X , or a 1500 dollar PC 

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