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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Left 4 dead Left 4 dead 2 Portal Still Alive The Orange Box pretty cool
  2. Jonb is in his early 40s ....yeah guess that lines up .
  3. There's no H in my name , IDIOT here's the part where you try to "get me" in fucking restaurant gag . I hope you choke on your food IDIOT
  4. Sir , sorry but the exclusive sides you ordered won't be ready until 2021
  5. *remij gets kicked out of the upper class restaurant for begging for bread * To the streets with you PEASANT , for you are not worthy of the bread NOR the main course Please install the menu and try again
  6. PlayStation menu ? Ahh , so you were forced to removed your tuXedo and put on a pair of sweatpsants
  7. What do you want for desert ? I'm planning on having a slice of ....red redemption. You ?
  8. Yeah , some filet filled with maggots That David P cooked ROFL
  9. Yeah ....that's what I thought rofl
  10. As always , everyone has my name on their mouths we will talk about you in a group , obsessively, but don't respond Dance ! Rofl
  11. Then why don't you sell your Xbox like you claimed you were gonna ? Oh ...had to put 50 hours into that Xbox the past month ROOOOFFLL
  12. Coming from a PC gamer lmfao . Living off console scraps for 3 gens now
  13. I like how you put yourself on this high pedestal but keep falling off hermits are LOW CLASS . Bottom rungmij.
  14. Lmao you wish dumbo . I was your support when you were frazzled . Fuck outta here
  15. Lol you had less hair than Cuckerson after those Jerry debates You were LITERALLY obsessed and mad LOL
  16. Any chance to call out the pro ? It's every chance . X owns the pro And I never said yea rem, tell em ! You dumb ass lol
  17. Funny how the argument is now what people that don't post here play. lmfao
  18. Ill gamefly it at some point. Not a fan of 3d fighters
  19. LOL at how you guys cant WAIT to call it out. Remij you were the main hype man for X. Sorry, that's true. I remember your mental breakdowns over Jerry. We all do. Bottom line is X wipes the floor with all the consoles.
  20. I don't play COD so I couldn't care less
  21. Its funny cause that's still higher than 90 percent of Ditch games LMAO
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