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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. There's no H in my name , IDIOT here's the part where you try to "get me" in fucking restaurant gag . I hope you choke on your food IDIOT
  2. Sir , sorry but the exclusive sides you ordered won't be ready until 2021
  3. *remij gets kicked out of the upper class restaurant for begging for bread * To the streets with you PEASANT , for you are not worthy of the bread NOR the main course Please install the menu and try again
  4. PlayStation menu ? Ahh , so you were forced to removed your tuXedo and put on a pair of sweatpsants
  5. What do you want for desert ? I'm planning on having a slice of ....red redemption. You ?
  6. Yeah , some filet filled with maggots That David P cooked ROFL
  7. Yeah ....that's what I thought rofl
  8. As always , everyone has my name on their mouths we will talk about you in a group , obsessively, but don't respond Dance ! Rofl
  9. Then why don't you sell your Xbox like you claimed you were gonna ? Oh ...had to put 50 hours into that Xbox the past month ROOOOFFLL
  10. Coming from a PC gamer lmfao . Living off console scraps for 3 gens now
  11. I like how you put yourself on this high pedestal but keep falling off hermits are LOW CLASS . Bottom rungmij.
  12. Lmao you wish dumbo . I was your support when you were frazzled . Fuck outta here
  13. Lol you had less hair than Cuckerson after those Jerry debates You were LITERALLY obsessed and mad LOL
  14. Any chance to call out the pro ? It's every chance . X owns the pro And I never said yea rem, tell em ! You dumb ass lol
  15. Funny how the argument is now what people that don't post here play. lmfao
  16. Ill gamefly it at some point. Not a fan of 3d fighters
  17. LOL at how you guys cant WAIT to call it out. Remij you were the main hype man for X. Sorry, that's true. I remember your mental breakdowns over Jerry. We all do. Bottom line is X wipes the floor with all the consoles.
  18. I don't play COD so I couldn't care less
  19. Its funny cause that's still higher than 90 percent of Ditch games LMAO
  20. Its all in comparison. That's uncommon for X, its trend for Pro Pro goes under 1080p itg lmfao Stupid Idiot lol
  21. I never said it wasn't. I said who cares. Are you arguing with OG xbox owners or me and Dyno? X owners?
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