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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Lol didn't think Sony sheep would acknowledge this....guess I was wrong lmao
  2. #1 Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator is coming to PlayStation 4 as Dream Daddy: Dadrector’s Cut on October 30, Game Grumps announced. Dream Daddy: Dadrector’s Cut features content cut from the original PC release, new side quests, the ability to replay mini-games discovered throughout the game, and a completely new mini-game. Read more at https://gematsu.com/2018/10/dream-d...ming-to-ps4-on-october-30#QQ0jy07uWmlkgQFy.99
  3. Game is a flop and worst on Ditch .
  4. Like it burns when you pee ? Sit DOWN
  5. I literally had to fight an entire city in assassins Creed . Fuck . Game is more fun after that shit was over
  6. Gob Bluth sounds like the wart growing on your sac. Idiot .
  7. You probably thought about it . Oh your not American so you cant be racist ? You grab pussy in your thoughts , alt right idiot . Smh . White devil
  8. Glad we could clear that up , dumbo
  9. Yeah ok . Did I hurt your white feelings ? You probably want to grab them by the pussy too . Asshole
  10. A showcase of racism . Mods can we ban Kaz for supporting racism and naziism ?
  11. When will the racism in gaming end ? To think hermits donated millions to this company . Smh
  12. So then you think gamepass is good . Ok . Why are you continuing on ?
  13. Hermshit how does it feel to be hyping a game made by Klansman that hate minorites ? *I read this at era so it must be true Star "white" Citizen lol thhbo
  14. Ohhhh Mylanta Heartburn , you suggested MS really is trying to be the Netflix of gaming . If you are going to make the comparison , it has to make sense . You are trying to say it doesn't make sense which is EXAXTLY why I said I'll let you see that it was a dumb comparison to begin with . I don't need any explanation in detail of this or that . You could just agree it was a dumb thing to say move on .
  15. The left is cancer .
  16. 7 dollar tax on fucking coke? Lmao
  17. I stopped at McDonald's the other day and a big Mac meal was 9.40 . Wtf . Since when ?
  18. Lol Lefterson was about to go on a rant
  19. Well sure it gamepass only had 1st party games that would suck . But it doesn't . It has around 150 games . And Ms is beefing up 1st party studios at an all time high . It's only going to get better . Like Netflix has . Owned .
  20. If all fast food treated you like chickfila I'd be ok with them getting 15 an hour . Most fast food places are filled with trash workers that don't give a fuck . Pay increase won't help that .
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