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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Thanks for the lecture on how you feel about content providers , HeartBurn So if Netflix doesn't suck, then neither will GamePass . Using your logic . Keep your stories straight there , dumbo . You've been Tum'd
  2. I have like 70 hours in W3 and never touched gwent and never will
  3. Oh here comes the elitism I'm a level 7 . Every enemy on the map is 8 to 10. Every mission I have available is a higher level .
  4. I remember that mission. It should tell you who has the cards
  5. I'm only level 7 . Enemies are 8 to 10 . I tried a mercenary and they are 10 and wrecked me . I sat under a ledge and spammed them when they dropped cause they wouldn't attack . Just crawl back up after a few hits lol . Stupid game .
  6. So I'm already at a point in this game where the only missions available to me are at a higher rank and I keep getting slaughtered . And I'm donezo
  7. So Netflix sucks, Xbox sucks yada yada . You seem hard to please . Maybe take some Pepto , HeartBurn ....you dumbo idiot
  8. It could have bangers every Tuesday and you'd still have an issue with it. WeakSauce , stfu
  9. So gamepass will have a ton of great games . Ok .
  10. Netflix has the best original content out there .
  11. Oh , here come the drawings obsessed little minions LOL
  12. Look at how cute you guys are , in every thread together holding hands LOL
  13. Yes they were directed at what I said . And here you go ...keeping it going Dance , puppet ! LoL
  14. But will it have all that mumble rap ? Who can tolerate that nowadays
  15. Not seeing any debate from you . It's because you can't . Owned .
  16. As I said ...I can't reply to posts directed at me ? Lmao my scummy little grubs. Bow . This is MY forum , dedicated to me . Thank you much
  17. Hmm, so everyone directs posts towards me and I can't reply ? Like I said ....my groupies ....like I said
  18. All it takes is an Xbox thread for a full forum butthurt meltdown
  19. You can say I don't play games and lie , just like a typical leftie . I await your leftie friends to come and repeat what you said
  20. I'll let you figure out why this was a dumb thing to say
  21. Oh look the cow in sheep's clothing , lmao
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