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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Just watched igns review. This game looks fantastic . No surprise gamespot is in the top 3 lowest reviews like the other shit clickbait sites . Can't wait to see Forza Horizon 4 lowest score on the internet from these freaks at GS
  2. Oh wait , 83 at meta and 9 at IGN ? Fucking gamespot Not uncharted / 10
  3. PC is too expensive and a PITA
  4. JonDnD


    I didn't buy a new PC for gaming only . I'm barely gonna use this thing for games . You hide behind PC all day because Ditch has no games And your PC isn't even as good as X
  5. Wait , inferior versions don't count ? Yeah we know ...pro was a mistake
  6. 4k on a 27 inch monitor would be a massive difference up close You're judging the beta, which even DF says isn't final code Your PC isn't better than X. Sorry
  7. Link to where the textures and effects are better ? And even if they were you can t see them in 1080p lmfao The fr in the beta is decent what's the final framerate ? You don't know . You assume your PC is better than Xbox . It isn't . You bought Doom on Ditch . Fuck off
  8. It'll be close , at a MUCH higher resolution But but I can't see 4k Lmfao
  9. You're an idiot its not better How's the Ditch version ? Sheep hiding behind PC (that's worse than Xbox )
  10. You definitely won't even come close to hitting near 4k at 60fps on your PC
  11. JonDnD


    Lol sheep can't just be sheep .
  12. No cheating on console Tons of cheating on PC Hmm what to pick ?
  13. Tchbfk ps4 has no exclusives and pro was a mistake LOL
  14. I'm well aware it's not best on my PC . Your PC can't be the best when cheaters plague the while game LOL
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