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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Idk if I can handle another huge game . Still playing fo4 I'll wait for a steam sale
  2. Maybe I should give this a chance . I liked fortnite bit the building stuff was gay Remij will this run good on my PC ? It was junk on Xbox when I tried the free demo
  3. Lol of course not Dragon Warrior on NES owned Will I like this game ?
  4. Wonder of psvr2 will sell more than 3 million nobodu cares about VR
  5. It'll probably come to ps4 but fortnite is already on top
  6. Lmao at it being the weekend . Weekends are usually the most busy times here . Sony sheep trying to play it cool until Spiderman reviews come out
  7. Sony Sheep staying quiet just in case Spiderman flops Oh sw?
  8. Sony Is such a scum company with scum fanboys LOL
  9. Almost every single blade sidequest has been broken in the latest Xenoblade 2 patch. Game just freezes if you win with anything but an auto attack. So they're just sitting on their asses and instead of doing the right thing and fixing this huge problem asap, they're just going to leisurely add these fixes in the next patch.
  10. Lynn was pulling hair debating on posting itt cant gib dem de attention ....must ...prove...them...wrong... Aw fucks I can't do itz! LMAO
  11. It's true . LemG threads get 10 pages easy We feed this forum . It's just a bunch of bitter betas crying about Xbox without us
  12. so how much does it cost to get all characters in SFV
  13. Witcher 3 is fantasto I'm gonna hop back in when I lose my fallout 4 addiction . Fallout is fucking I might like it better than Witcher 3. It's not nearly as polished tho Damn , when you are using the words polished when describing a wrpg Witcher Fallout
  14. Btw playing the shit out of Fallout 4 and I'm addicted now
  15. Witcher isn't good non stop . That's the kind of game you play over the course of a year .
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