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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Finished Insatiable. Started off goofy ended hilriously dark and fucked up . Loved it .
  2. I went from oh this is cool to , oh this is annoying , to oh this game sucks . I killed the one cult leader and that's about enough of this . It's not even a cult game . It's just like every far cry game with some cult shit rarely sprinkled in . The same vehicles from far cry 2 wtf
  3. Fc5 is kind of annoying You'll be walking thru a farm then all of a sudden two vehicles with mounted machine guns and an airplane just just fucking you up I like the story part of it so far but wish it was more contained . It doesn't really fit with the rest of the game . It's already getting repetitive. Typical Ubisoft factory game . Still enjoyable I'll keep going for a bit
  4. Started watching Jessica Jones . It's pretty good so far . It's so dark tho , like visually dark . Was gonna rent that movie with the guy from the office , a quiet place ? Anyone see that ?
  5. I'm playing Far Cry 5 . Why are all of the enemies John Denver ? Seems better than the previous far cry games so far
  6. Resume doesn't work on this game . Only annoying thing so far
  7. Oh damn . Gonna do that right now . I just bought some big ass boss in the ocean . This game owns Thanks for the help
  8. AutoX, What items are ok to sell . Do I need all these ore I pick up ? What level does unlock more space for chips ?
  9. You don't have to wait I'll tell you right now . We we bagged on you for fixing McDonald's ice cream machines after you told us you were a machinist LOL Idiot
  10. He said he was a machinist. Now he works graveyard at a PC ? It always cracks me up , people be like oh I'm just at work ....I can just post on sw from work all day ! That's fine ...if you're 16 LOL
  11. What does your job have to do with posting her on your PC for 10 hours . You don't have a sit down job . I doubt you have a job at all since you're trying to create a stinky ass last gen game room LoL
  12. Lmfao are you telling me Jerry sits at his computer for 10 hours arguing about social and political issues he doesn't even care about ? Roflmgdao
  13. Did you copy paste that response ? Oh yeah you did ....about 900 times . You're a known mod crybaby so I wouldn't be surprised
  14. You've literally spent 10 hours arguing with remij one time . That's not an exaggeration.
  15. He is a narcissist. Guaranteed he has no friends . Shitty job , no wife or girlfriend . Even his picture was his ugly face with this wierd psychotic smirk LOL dude would literally call of work tomorrow depending on how long remij decides to go back and forth with him
  16. Jerry just argues to argue . Having everyone against him is what he loves . Then he just acts stupid and claims he won. Same story every time . Same argument Everytime . True narcissist. Just call him dumb and move on . He doesn't know how to combat that. Just tried with dumb Xbox jokes lol
  17. You have to make a cut off at some point . Or else every store would have people going in way after they are closed
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