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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Jerry wants more attention than the lady that got two employees fired . What kind of shit person are you to not care about people losing theirs job over you not being able to come to a store on time . That lady is garbage .
  2. Yeah they do . Prove it . You're so dumb . People have lives outside of work you idiot .
  3. This is the kind of stuff that makes people racist . It's stupid . People should be ashamed of themselves .
  4. Some people have kids and family to get home to . And stores have policies . It was wrong for the people to get fired . The employees did nothing wrong . Anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong , or racist . The end
  5. If anyone thinks this is fair , they flat out hate white people and are racist . It's the same thing as me watching people try to justify Roseanne y'all racist
  6. Why are you even responding ? If you didn't let someone in your video game store after it was closed and you got sued because of that how would you feel ?
  7. I'd be going to all local news stations and getting a lawyer and taking a bunch of money from that bakery .
  8. Sell my Xbox for one cinematic samey Sony game and play 99 percent inferior multiplats the rest of the year ? .ROFL . No thanks
  9. I love me some good of war but damn I don't need 2 consoles Not sure if there is anything else I want to play on ps4
  10. Everyone loved Titanfall 2 I felt it was just following around a Optimus Prime ripoff for too many hours with fun gunplay
  11. Just beat the fire boss in Hellblade. This game is ok , the puzzles , if you want to call them that ...are pretty dumb but I'm liking everything else so far
  12. Every UbiSoft game is the same . This one was fun to me cause Egypt and there are hippos and lions and cool shit like that . I doubt I'm gonna finish it . It's great but I'm at the point where I'm doing the same style side quests over and over . For the 2 months I've had it playing here and there I really enjoyed it . Plus its beautiful to look at
  13. I mean he is Amish or is in a cult He isn't anerican , so.... Honestly looks like a scene from The Village Jebadiah in the back ...wtf Holy axe where are you from ? Is this a religious thing ? If so I want trash on y'all but wtf man haha
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