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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Then stop replying you bitter fuck I think its dumb to be rewarded for mashing . If you want to pretend that doesn't exist and be all Mr Hardcore DipShit like you always are.....go right ahead Dumbo
  2. Looks like you have your mr dicky fgc hat on . If you wanna believe that most of the people playing , even the casuals (which this game has more probably than any fighter ) are getting competent at the game because it doesn't have uppercut motions ..lol ok . This game still has a lot of shit packed into it like most other fighting games . Everyone will be a pro tho . You . Give. Too. Much. Credit. Too. The. Masses.
  3. You get all prissy when it comes to fighting games . Casuals are casuals . When I played persona there were tons of people that just used to auto combos . Killer instinct people STILL just use medium attacks Not sure what world you live in where people learn mechanics in fighting games . They don't . But If you want to say nobody will just mash buttons ( like people do in every fighting game ) , feel free .
  4. Lmao you played 40 matches. STFU. 2 million people bought this . I played the beta . Casuals will straight mash attack .
  5. I never said it will be a winning stategy but considering the tutorial explains how to get the DragonBalls by mashing the X combo ....there will be a large number of people doing that
  6. Yes but most people that play this will not learn the mechanics . It's a DragonBall game that sold a lot . Majority won't be fighting game players . They will mash If the game ever works online I'll bet you'll see that
  7. Most people will do autos to try to build the DragonBall meter
  8. I'm probably passing on DragonBall until they make invites in the lobby .
  9. It's pretty bullshit that review copies didn't have online enabled . How can you even review the game ?
  10. Dragonall needs patched asap Finished codww2 . This game is comically bad.
  11. Got cod ww2 from GF . Did 65 million people really die in ww2 ? Fuck man
  12. Damn , I remember homie being a lard butt. Looking good my man , like straight out of Witcher 3 Polish Gold good
  13. I saw that on there but didn't watch it yet. I watched the will Smith movie and it was pretty good too
  14. Well ok then , continue on owning dumbocop
  15. Goober , will you admit you were wrong about the Xenoblade patch , the firmware update and the games to shown at the Nintendo Direct ?
  16. Sales sales sales As you play no games Typical sheep
  17. Aza losing his mind , talking to himself lol
  18. You won't answer the question . As alwaysv
  19. Sony lost . Get over it . Switch has no games . Disagree ? Please tell us what games switch has
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