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Posts posted by JonDnD

  1. Looks like you have your mr dicky fgc hat on . 

    If you wanna believe that most of the people playing , even the casuals (which this game has more probably than any fighter ) are getting competent at the game because it doesn't have uppercut motions ..lol ok .


    This game still has a lot of shit packed into it like most other fighting games .


    Everyone will be a pro tho .


    You . Give. Too. Much. Credit. Too. The. Masses.

  2. You get all prissy when it comes to fighting games . Casuals are casuals .


    When I played persona there were tons of people that just used to auto combos .


    Killer instinct people STILL just use medium attacks 


    Not sure what world you live in where people learn mechanics in fighting games . They don't .


    But If you want to say nobody will just mash buttons ( like people do in every fighting game ) , feel free .

  3. On 1/29/2018 at 10:15 PM, Sabo said:

    You get Dragon Balls for doing a lot of shit, not just auto-combos. 


    Besides, that would be a terrible strategy to rely on anyways. Auto-combos average around 1.7k damage, a basic manual combo can easily do twice that. You can pump that damage up even higher with a more advanced combo.


    A person using only auto-combos will lose simply because they're not going to keep up in the damage race. 

    Yes but most people that play this will not learn the mechanics . It's a DragonBall game that sold a lot . 

    Majority won't be fighting game players . They will mash 


    If the game ever works online I'll bet you'll see that 

  4. 21 hours ago, Sabo said:

    Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and give you the heads up now. Do NOT get in the habit of using auto-combos. You can do far more damage if you actually learn combos. An average characters auto-combo will do about 1.7k. You can easily get twice that with a basic manual combo.



    Most people will do autos to try to build the DragonBall meter 

  5. Just now, Goukosan said:

    I have no issue admitting I was wrong when I am indeed wrong.

    My prediction that Bayonetta 3 or MP4 gameplay would be shown in the January direct was wrong.

    I never claimed the Switch 5.0 video was real. Said it was a well done fake.

    My prediction prior for the Xenoblade 2 patch was wrong. Post patch there was slight improvement to handheld mode but not what I predicted before the patch.

    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

    Well ok then , continue on owning dumbocop 

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