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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Sounds like your excited to play games In higher resolution than your Ditch And use a controller with a Dpad LOL
  2. Id rather go out into the Aussie wilderness naked soaked in sugar water than walk into a store and buy a Sony product
  3. No it doesn't. Proven fact. Still waiting, you cant do it You lose every argument LOL
  4. No he cant, because I made this thread. DUNKED ON BIAATCHH
  5. Just like your PC. That's a big nope. Go head. Do it right now.
  6. SO because its not technically burn in, its ok then ? Ditch is JUNK
  7. Part Sheep, part Cow, part Hermit, 100% Xbox hater. LMFAO
  8. SO you admitted ITT that you don't play DITCH and that you agree this burn in is happening. You should have stayed pretending to play your nephews ditch LOL
  9. No, that he spent 2000 dollars on a pc that doesn't beat X
  10. You scared yourself to a different topic. Because you know you cant win this one LOLoLLL
  11. Yes , you ignore the proof posted ITT. This is more real than your fake audience LOLOL
  12. lmao Jerry claiming fake news LOL Then again, how is he going to know...he doesn't play games
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