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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. This is what the sheep get. They deserve it. They'll defend too.
  2. Don't forget NES controllers being locked behind a paywall and the shit ton of games that don't support cloud saves (that get erased when you unsubscribe) as well as the required 7 day check in before your games go away Biggest Joke EVER
  3. Thanks BodyCount. The Curse continues, only now its on Ditch
  4. Nintendo doesn't make any sense TSHBFK 20 dollars for roms and burn in. Please Understand
  5. nobody is going to play these old NES turds anyway Sheep just want to donate 20 dollars to nintendo
  6. Bodycount hating on Forza but playing Mario kart ports with neon mouse controllers lmfao
  7. Funny considering 90 percent of Ditch's library is 360 or wiiu games
  8. Looks like you entering SW and NEVER talking about games LOL
  9. I wasn't going to mgk you bodycount but you talk shit on Forza and it's on
  10. If it's a flop at SW then no need to over a meta score . Cause your owned and meta doesn't count . It's damage control . Should have waited to GS . Maybe you'll have better luck there
  11. Then why even bring up metacritic ? You guys agreed to the "rules" Lmao idiots . Doing exactly as I said . If it flops at GS you'll rush to meta . Even tho you say you refuse to play 7.0 games ? Oh , another lie I guess
  12. Lnao it's funny watching the sheep and Sony sheep wii69 each other
  13. Oh so basically ...like I said , you will use whatever benefits you .
  14. Game has 9 reviews . Doesn't matter . Metacritic doesn't matter right ? Why even post this .
  15. Check ins and not all games support cloud saves LOL Nes games require weekly sign-in to use off line. (Going on vacation/camping!? Well say goodbye to your library of games, no biggie now, but when and if they roll out 1000+ games over nes, snes, n64, GameCube this will be a major annoyance! That is a pretty big IF as well).
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