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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. I was downloading planet coaster and steam kept cutting out . Went over to origin and was getting 25MB Battlenet 25MB Xbl 25MB Steam
  2. I Kno so . Origin , xbl and even barflenet are faster and more consistent
  3. Steam is probably the slowest .
  4. Uk only and no digital sales Sounds like a butthurt reset era cow article LOL
  5. Goober got owned and is now throwing up his Jerry signal asking for audience approval
  6. Yeah . And the best part is , even at this shitty anti MS forum ...sheep , MS fans and Sony dumbos play FH together
  7. Has anyone even talked about this game here ? Sony fans sure don't care to talk about games .
  8. Lol cuckerson gets killed even in his safe space threads
  9. Lol a dead woman is more fun than ps4s biggest game this year
  10. Ohh, here comes the well I have stuff to do irl debate What's that ? Browse and post at SW ? Lmfao LMFAO
  11. Better than Witcher 3 and the best game this gen
  12. Spiderman so good you haven't touched it in a week
  13. Lol you just admitted you don't turn on your part for weeks at a time lol
  14. This is like, a blatant rip off. Still not a huge fan of this genre. Too much periods of nothing happening. I think id prefer fortnite over this if fortnite had no building. This one feels the best to play tho.
  15. ....in most games Its comparable to a 1060 in some, a 1070 in some , and rarely the 1080 If you go into a 1060 expecting X quality you are gonna be upset, cause that isn't happening. Yeah of course you aren't debating anything because you CANT. I'm 100% right. You know this bu bu I can use Word too!!! lmfao
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