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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. A 500 dollar PC is a budget PC. A 500 dollar xbox is comparable to a 1000 plus dollar PC I'm still waiting for you to debate this. You wont, because you cant. And lmfao at the other nonsense you just spit up. I should compare it to Xbox, since YOU are the one that says a 1060 is comparable. It isn't. I know that. You are the one that pretends to not see it.
  2. Maybe if I ask the question 3 times you can answer it ? No . No you can't LOL
  3. I ahvent even bought a game for PC . I might buy planet coaster . It's on sale
  4. Here's a reason . To get a 4k gaming machine , you can get an X , or a 1500 dollar PC
  5. Remij hates LYING DF but loves the one lonely , hermit there . Sounds like a crush LOL
  6. Good thing I wised up and bought a 4th X for the bathroom instead
  7. PC is nothing but a compromise. Chasing graphic cards like a druggies first hit. Youll never come close to that feeling again
  8. As you buy old ass sub sd ports of Xbox games
  9. "daddy must have bought new computer parts this month . If only he cared enough to buy an X " Mommy , I'm cold !
  10. Hermits playing musical chairs compromise edition with screens well I play with HDR on my tv Or 1440p at 120fps on monitor one Or 4k no hdr on my other monitor Lmfao 800000 dollars for settling LOL
  11. I kinda like the video card industry. It's amusing watching the hermits willingly get raped
  12. Not sure why Cuckerson is against this . I'd rather stream games at 720p than play them locally at 360p
  13. So still more than the double the price . Xbox wine . 1080 loses . 1k dollar video card can't lock TR to 60fps But but if you turn some settings down this 1000 dollar video card can ... ROFLMGDAO
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