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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. One is about 10 the black one is about 12 Also take care of 2 stray cats
  2. "So our expectation is that Forza Horizon 4 is going to be the biggest and best-selling Forza game that we've ever launched. Currently our pre-order tracking is well ahead of where we want, and tracking ahead of where we were with Forza Horizon 3. So the early indicators are really good. And that's before you get into the fact that this title will be in Game Pass, which will allow it to reach another set of gamers who may never have played or bought the game."
  3. You make 400k a year and are Craigslist shopping for a used Xbox ? Lol
  4. Yikes . Met him a few times . Lived not far from me
  5. This is cool . Its a great game . It really must have flopped in sales to hit gamepass that quick
  6. I don't think anyone would care but the sheep and Sony fans threads got moderated for trolling shittery so it's only right for the same to be applied to all threads . Remij isn't a useless cuck mod like cuckerson
  7. Will this game run ok on my computer ? Retard era says it's dropping frames on 1070s
  8. Sheep hype literally every shitter that comes to Ditch lol
  9. Didn't know this was a BB thread The best BB is on Xbox
  10. This might be up my alley . I loved turn based RPGs and haven't played one in so long .
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