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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. This game seems pretty cool . Any good ? It has dragons and guily gearish music . Demo was ok .
  2. I wasn't talking about previous scenario, I was talking what youre currently doing .
  3. Making a fool of gooberson and actually moderating things that should be is a good start
  4. I usually wait for all of these to come out before I buy them but I liked the demo . How is the first episode ?
  5. What's wrong , sheep don't want to hide behind Sony itt ? Lmao
  6. More people here will be playing this than any VR game you play
  7. I have no interest in ANY Spider-Man because I don't like Spider-Man. Id might gamefly the newest RC, but its nothing that makes me want to buy an inferior console for . I like R2. R1 and R3 were shit. I played both of them.
  8. What insomniac games have I played and enjoyed, or disliked?. You know this, right?
  9. Its because I don't give a fuck about Spider-Man. If it was batman or xmen mayve id give a shit
  10. You are comparing the traversal in sunset to SM? Which are 100 percent different? lol
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