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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. Ill do that too. What game? TLOU2 in 2021?
  2. meta, obviously. GS is a bunch of trannies and alt left scum
  3. you just listed a bunch of games best on pc and cuckoman not even aaa lmfao
  4. 80 hour game on a handheld with 4 hour battery life lmao
  5. It's funny watching the sheep hide behind PS4 lmao PSDitch there are 3 Xbox fans here and you guys have dedicated this entire forum to us lmfao
  6. Idk if I can handle another huge game . Still playing fo4 I'll wait for a steam sale
  7. Maybe I should give this a chance . I liked fortnite bit the building stuff was gay Remij will this run good on my PC ? It was junk on Xbox when I tried the free demo
  8. Lol of course not Dragon Warrior on NES owned Will I like this game ?
  9. Wonder of psvr2 will sell more than 3 million nobodu cares about VR
  10. It'll probably come to ps4 but fortnite is already on top
  11. Lmao at it being the weekend . Weekends are usually the most busy times here . Sony sheep trying to play it cool until Spiderman reviews come out
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