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Everything posted by JonDnD

  1. How would 10 billion NOT be enough 🤣 Im not sure if you are understanding how much billions actually are.
  2. Im aware of how GP works. If you had a consistent 50 million subs at 18 bucks a month you have over 10 BILLION dollars annually. That can fund and pay for whatever they want and theyd be eating on yachts too.
  3. Obviously a flex, sure. But they just look old and dated. I figured Rolex would try to capture more of the youth, too.
  4. I dont think they need anywhere close to 200 million. I bet 50 would finance just about anything with plenty on top.
  5. Fire Phil Spencer. Look at him putting on them pounds with his old fat head. He feasts on food from his personal chef while his employees are waiting for unemployment and hope.
  6. Rolex look so......uninteresting and old. I feel like people would be more impressed with any old smart watch over a Rolex. I guess if you are trying to flex in your circle of olds, they may be a talking point but meh.
  7. GP IS sustainable if the content is there to drive subs. The content isnt there, or, is there but sucks. If you cant sell Xbox you cant sell GamePass. How do you do both? Good games in a timely manner. So what do you do with the good games? Fire the people that made them. I feel like Phil is secretly paid by Sony to sabotage MS. There isnt really any other explanation to how to leadership at Xbox sucks so fucking bad.
  8. They have plenty of game studios but cannot manage them. If all the studios were competently led, GamePass would be popping with new good games all the time. So instead of doing that.... They close down studios, lay people off and cancel games. No wonder GP isnt growing, it has NO 1p games because MS cannot make them. Those small AA games are what makes GP great. So take it away. Now they want to focus on the big AAA games that take 5+ years to make? And under MS, more like 7 or 8. So GP will have no content. Nobody buys Xbox and the current GP users are jus
  9. Ok if you like Mario and Zelda i guess. There isnt one new AAA IP tho. That list looks stale and like the previous gen list.
  10. Lets gloss over the part about sheep talking about playing games
  11. The userbase wasn't polled. And if your under 18 you're a kid
  12. Must be a lot of kids. When was the last time you heard an adult talking about playing a Switch game.
  13. Lmao I fucking knew it would be a hit on ps5. Sony fans been craving something that isn't cinematic shooter X
  14. Redfall was trash but you shut down a studio for one bad game that they didn't even want to make ? Tango , who made arguably one of the best exclusives for MS ? Imagine getting all that praise, then get to port to ps5 and have a whole new player base play your great game. To celebrate ? You get fired. Throw away your creative teams. Fuck MS
  15. I bounced off p3r pretty quickly. I liked it , but after 100 hours of p5r it felt too much the same. It's more basic which I appreciated but I just felt like I already played enough of it.
  16. Looking at the specs I'm not sure why series x doesn't have a 1080p60 mode. Unless these reqs are for 30fps
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