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Posts posted by GeorgeW1000

  1. 56 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    have a battle royal. the one with the biggest penis gets vegas odds bet advantage, but don't count out the super racist nazi girl. all that resentment.



    why am i entertaining this nonsense?  :|  ?  

    Because this is America 

  2. What do you do when your two discord trannies are an antifa, and when the other one is a super racist nazi girl? I’m planning to get both to move in with me, because it’s how I roll with cutie girls. I think the biggest problem I have is to figure out which one to marry me so that they get the free VA healthcare. But I don’t know if they will try to kill each other because of politics. You know, I hope it doesn’t turn out to be a disaster. Ultimately as the man of the relationship I need to figure out a way to pacify both of them. 

  3. 13 hours ago, nitric said:

    And you ask why we take you as a joke 

    Lol you think people actually care about these random people. Lol. I guarantee you that people barely remember the names of them. Hell, I’m on the internet and can’t really remember if he’s George Floyd or Floyd George. 

  4. 4 hours ago, kazi said:

    maybe, i just prefer icy cold over 30°C without wind. 


    but it's true all seasons kinda own, i'm not saying i hate summer but I want to spend most of my time in ponds/water parks swimming when its hot as fuck. We usually don't have AC's. 

    Ah... it's like a european thing not to have ACs. We don't really, but Oregon is like Europe anyway. 

    • Ben 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    Read it again.... I said it says alot... meaning it says alot about the right wing that you automatically associate the hate groups with the right wing. 



    I didn't say that it says alot about you.  Never said that. 


    But, you know what they say "A guilty conscious needs no accuser" 

    I guess you’re right that “white racist group” and “hate group” are the same but man... it’s what this language means, anyway. And I’m not defending groups that kill random people, Ike, I’m just saying they’re more efficient at killing people. My point is that the attacks are the same as other groups. 

  6. Seasons are all awesome. The temperature is the bad thing about seasons, hot is better. Apparently though, my oregon white person ness makes me able to bear the cold more than others because  I've talked to several people who thought it was cold and I had no idea what they were talking about. 

    As for the Aesthetics, They're all great. Someone told me it was a silly thing to have fashion due to the seasons. But I think that's awesome. In the past, I didn't think about it at all, because I was a kid. Now I wear summer gear, and for everything else, cool coats.


    Winter itself is nice - reminds me of those black metal songs with snow on the album art.  

  7. Also in the report:


    300 left wing injuries on police officers. (It doesn't say how many were killed, but the number is probably low, maybe ever like 1 for David Dorn). This means there could be a lot more attacks, just only 300 injuries. 


    compare that to under 10 attacks from white groups.


    Left wing people, just from this data, overwhelmingly do more attacks, but kill a lot less people. 



  8. 11 hours ago, Ike said:



    Look: HVE = HOME GROWN EXTREMIST GROUPS! (includes foreign terrorist people) 


    HVE attacks are high, the deaths are low





    Attacks are slightly higher, but the deaths are overwhelmingly MORE!



    Which argues my point, Jesus Christ Almighty. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Ike said:





    sources for all your claims please otherwise you’re just a white supremacy apologist. Because this is a report released today from the federal government that said white supremacy is the biggest domestic terror threat.




    Also, I’m happy you pretty much confirmed what we all know that the right loves white supremacy. :drake: 

    Dude, I quoted YOUR source who also said that left wing terrorism was just as bad, and quoted them in this thread. Your graph shows the white groups are similar in membership to other groups, just that they kill more people. I explained why. You can fill me as some buzzword if you want, but that's because you're a dumbass, and can only think with labels, color coded graphs you can't even read, and scare quotes. What was your asvab score? Tell the world. 


    My source was your source, look at your own graph. lmao. The graph doesn't even show left wing groups, even though they wrote about them in the Report. 

  10. Quote

     The domestic threat environment is rapidly evolving. Operational reporting shows that DHS law enforcement officers suffered over 300 separate injuries while they were present during months of nightly unrest in Portland, Oregon. This is but one example among many across the country, including in Brooklyn,
    New York, and Kenosha, Wisconsin, where law enforcement officers have been injured or killed. These increasingly pervasive incidents highlight the threat of anarchist violence that has accelerated in our cities in recent months.


    as seen in your article, but is not show in the graph you posted because it happened in 2020.


    EDIT: this quote is from your report, I just couldn't how to figure out how to quote on my phone. 

  11. We’ve been over this millions of times. Even that graph proves it. There aren’t more right wing terrorists than left wing terrorists. Right wing terrorists are just more competent, smarter, and able to kill people more effectively. Left wing people often fail at their attempts. But there aren’t more right wing murderers.


    as far as actual quality of life is concerned, left wing violence poses a a greater threat. The media used to hype up charlottesville as this big thing that killed... 1 fat person who had a heart attack. But the left wing riots that happened this year were many times worse, killing people almost every “protest.” Even if it was just rioters killing other rioters.

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