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Everything posted by GeorgeW1000

  1. Watamote is quite the awesome show.
  2. Sorry for replying so late. Hopefully you come back on and look for a reply. I learned when one of his friends found the site and posted the news article about him, which was quite disturbing. I was in denial for most of it... I didn't want it to be true. I still have a picture of him on my photobucket. Maybe I will try retrieving that. I guess I will go to Japan in the future and imagine him with me. quite sad man. I'm so sorry. Thanks for coming here and sharing this stuff.
  3. Racists and pedophiles are the most oppressed people in the world. It's quite the discrimination, and very sad and ignorant. Hopefully one day pedophiles and racists can see eye to eye, unite, and create their own civil rights movement so they don't get discriminated against. That's the tolerant society I want to live in.
  4. Does everything have to be a hostile argument war for you? Who peed in your coffee?
  5. Should try this out. Shame I accidentally cut my moustache off with my new trimmer thing... quite irate.
  6. Of course I never leave the house and jack off to anime, that's what you're supposed to do when it's quarantine
  7. Uh, from what I know, is they said it was spread in fine particles (the stuff that goes through masks) and they retracted it. I am also burnt out about it.
  8. Naw man, let me sniff that shit, and wear it, and sell it, and contribute to the economy.
  9. What are some annoying things about the coronavirus? To me its: Having to take your mask off when you sneeze. or Having the glasses fog up when you wear a mask or having arguments with people who are mad you don't believe masks stop an airborne virus or Having an expired ID, and not having anywhere to renew it (I bet the DMV is open by now, though) or having people deny you service (alcohol) for having an expired ID or Having people ask you for a doc
  10. Normally when people think music is "good," it's a feeling of experiencing artistic mastery-- music we feel is special, awesome, and puts us into trance. But not everything I listen to does that. While not being bad music, or poorly performed music, I want to know what you guys think is enjoyable. My favorite is the Album They Might Be Giants -- Nanobots. It's quite a funny, fun, and cool inventive album. It has really smart music, the music is pleasant, and I enjoy it a lot. I think they used to be a kid's music band, but they made like an indie album, and so it's like
  11. IMO masks are just a way for people to be scared of the virus, but also leave their houses. it's quite a scam, lol.
  12. Remember those times when we talked about covid-19 like it was a deadly virus? Remember debating the death rate, and the lethality of the virus... also, the scary stories coming out of china, and also coming out of korea, and those cruise ships! crazy stuff, right? Well there is a new study out of Japan, showing no people are hospitalized or die from the virus. This shocking study comes out of Japan, who does no lockdowns or anything. The study shows that it's possible that the virus has reached "herd immunity" in Tokyo, infecting 51% of the population... w
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