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Posts posted by GeorgeW1000

  1. 14 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Nope..........you are trying to use one fact and pretend that science cannot figure out anything before the past 100 years.


    Which is idiotic.


    Here let me just give you ONE example.


    The permafrost that exist contains carbon gases that WE KNOW FOR A FACT have existed for thousands of years, minimum.


    The permafrost can only hold this carbon IS IT REMAINS FROZEN, had the temperature been higher in previous millennia, the carbon would've escaped already.


    So................you're quite wrong.

    God, did your democrat operatives for your like work come up with that. All you do is repeat democrat propaganda, like straight out of the bottle stuff. 

  2. Just now, Liquid said:

    We've also only been spewing chemicals and toxicins at an industrial level the past 100 years. I can't stress how absurd the thinking that we can do that in every nation on earth and it won't have any impact on the environment. Not to mention that climate impact is falling well with in projections. 


    The bigger question is, is it not worth it to try and pollute less? Like why are Republicans such a death cult these days. 

    Actually, the US has some of the cleanest air in the world. Even when it comes to orderless, colorless, trace gas like CO2. 

  3. Quite a true statement. Think of it this way, we've measured global temperatures for just 100 years... suddenly, carbon in the atmosphere went from like 200 PPM to 400 PPM, and we think it's the sole thing that will cook us like jimmy dean. But we've only been measuring temperatures for 100 years, aside from some Ice core data, or Tree ring data, that shows temperature and carbon amount aren't correlated anyway. But the only sure thing is the temperatures we've been measuring for 100 or so years, and during the whole thing, we've seen a slight temperature increase. So, about "knowing" that carbon dioxide is the temperature control knob? Absolutely asinine. For the 100 years we've been measuring the temperature, we've only known warming. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Liquid said:

    First, please share what drug you are on. 


    Secondly, Lmfao I wouldn't read a rag like the WSJ for free, let alone pay for it. "can't afford it" lol like how much can it fucking be? 5 bucks a month? 

    Idk... I think I’m irritated by some medical condition. Maybe it’s the smoke 😑

  5. The source is the wall street journal, like I said. I said the source. There is a paywall for it. None of you can afford it. 

    here’s the link:


    I can’t believe I wasted time refunding the article for you, and it may be a different article. You know how many articles are made about the coronavirus? The pandemic is over, who cares anymore. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Remember when during the peak all the media talked about was deaths? Then they started to decrease, and all of a sudden you barely saw mentions of death, instead the media started clinging to the number of cases when it came to gauging how bad the virus was while brushing aside the falling death rate. Complete fear mongering from biased journalists trying to sway people to vote for Biden like hes somehow going to be the missing link in the government's response to the virus.



    Oh I remember all the stupid debates I had with Hot Sauce (hot sauce didn't have anything stupid to say). But those debates were stupid because we were arguing over the death rate of a new virus we didn't know anything about. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    I said a while ago the death rate was plummeting and was immediately attacked by the liberals on this board. Its sad how people avoid logic and let their fervent hate for trump get in the way of everything. But then again they aren't the only people at fault, the media is clearly putting a lot of effort into making covid seem much worse than it actually is.

    Not only are deaths dropping, but cases are increasing, meaning there's no correlation anymore :bugged:

  8. 7 hours ago, Substatic said:


    Actually a majority of Domestic terror is right wing , and is seen as among the biggest threats by FBI and DHS.

    White supremacy is 'most lethal threat' to the US, DHS draft assessment says




    As for the proof you requested,


    US State Policies, Politics, and Life Expectancy



    The Politics of Obesity: A Current Assessment and Look Ahead



    List of US states and territories by Human Development Index



    Best States Rankings



    Right wing ideas are weird. Climate denial is weird. Anti-maskers are weird.  Anti birth control is weird. Incels are weird. Hate groups (mostly in right leaning counties) are weird. Anti-gay is weird.  Red states and counties are (on average) worse areas to live in and why they are less popular policies and less voters in general. I mean their climate denial for decades in general will have ended up costing us quite a bit when all is said and done, far worse than this other stuff. 



    That study you linked may address my point - I'll read it eventually. But your post is about like, social programming ideas. I don't see why society needs social programming ideas to extend their lifespan. My point was that the increase in life expectancy is mostly due to how rich liberal cities are - and not due to policy. You have a limited ability of what you can do with policy, and while policy does matter... it's not what gives you a comfortable living condition that improves your life span.



    We can see in the last 6-8 years, the policies in liberal cities have made them worse places to live. The lack of enforcement on needles, vagrants (it's not "homeless" if you chose to sleep outside), drugs, crime (especially depends on the liberal city), protests, riots, housing, how dirty they are, not to mention the constant suspicion and overall hostility liberal cities are known for. These problems are actually very new, and align with the time we started seeing the soup of thought ideas known as the "social justice movement" and their theories begin to appear in newspapers. Purple cities don't really have these problems, and when they do they're minimized. Conservative cities are even better off. 


    But we can do without the coercion. We are not going to die because of climate change - the climate has been changing since the beginning of earth's history. paper masks don't prevent the spread of a virus (which is the conventional science before this fake virus thing). Hate groups aren't a problem. There was like one in all of oregon, and I've met them, they were just weird people. The worst thing that happened is they called me a Jew, and stopped talking to me. Homosexuality, although a perfectly OK thing, is an incredibly unhealthy lifestyle. Just a bunch of things for you to digest, I guess. The point is, while people are all free to do this stuff, it's not going to make them better off.  

  9. lol... I remember everyone and their mother deleted their facebook because they thought they were spying on you. HIDE!!! Mark Zuckerbarg is watching you poop!


    Facebook gives you targeted ads, and it's quite great. Why do you want to see ads that you don't have interest in? or ads that are for like, women? Or for babies? Or for fat people? or for parents? Or for Pilots, etc, etc, etc. 


    I love targeted ads. Sometimes I buy things from them. But mostly they're just more pleasant to look at. 

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