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Posts posted by GeorgeW1000

  1. More agitation from these communist environmentalist groups. They set fires to blame it on climate change, and get people to blame capitalism. I can't stand this, why is the government so weak in response to all these organized communist groups? also, why are they here? Go agitate a 3rd world country or something.  

  2. 21 minutes ago, Liquid said:

    I bet you hate it. Miss the good old days of killing black people with no evidence eh? 

    People in the past knew that black people died. It’s a fact of life. White people also die. What I’m tired of is watching some crap video, which could be edited to create a false narrative for all we know, posted online, and a mass of morons creating riots downtown for problems that don’t exist. 

  3. 16 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:

    Who is even talking about another lockdown? Even "Fascist Fauci" is on record saying it's not necessary. Ionnidis has also said he supports lockdowns to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed, so he's not exactly as anti-lockdown as you're ascribing him to be.


    What is the fascination with Sweden, exactly? It has one of the worst death rates, its economy has taken a bigger hit than its "nuclear" neighbours, and even Tegnell has said they should have done more. Like it's just an awful example of non-lockdown success when South Korea has 1.04% of Sweden's deaths per capita (seriously, re-read that number. It's insane) and is expected to have the smallest GDP contraction of any OECD country.


    Citation needed.


    The POTUS is Republican and the majority of the Senate and governors are, too.

    Sweden has been an overwhelming success story.

    My point was less of a second lockdown as my point was that lockdowns were a colossal mistake and everyone knows it. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Cooke (not admin cant help said:

    Why would they want that? They're going broke

    IDK, but the whole thing is silly anyway. Lockdowns are like a nuclear bomb that kills everything except for a contagious virus.  

  5. 8 minutes ago, Chairman_Meow said:

    I agree with you on many parts, specially the 'boy who cried wolf' style reporting that is so popular in north America and how tiring it is. I respect that gut feeling. But it just sucks when no one decides to pay attention when the wolfs are here and its basically one of the last public institutions able to stand on its own in America going down in flames.

    I can respect that

  6. 2 minutes ago, Chairman_Meow said:

    This is more than just a political issue. They are literally tearing apart an American public institution. Reminds me of when the tire companies literally ripped out the tram lines in Los Angeles area to ensure their market share and leave us the beautiful uncongested system that is world renown as L.A. traffic.

    It's not really something I care to research... but it's probably overblown. That's what my instincts tell me -- and it's also from experience, because every news cycle, the liberals and democrats get mad about something stupid, that's overblown, or hardly an issue. It's because they read the news media and let them do their thinking for them. 

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