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Posts posted by GeorgeW1000

  1. So, 


    I'm an artist. I liked Holyax, but he seemed to disappeared when hate speech was banned here. But artists have a universal problem. 


    How much nudity is allowed in the public eye? When you're drawing in public, what shouldn't you draw as you draw around other people? 


    I joined a college discord, and in it, I posted my art. Many of my drawings are nude... but they aren't sexual. It's called artistic nudity. There are statues in the public eye with artistic nudity. But they got mad at me for posting art in the "creative art" channel, because the pictures were nude, and they asked me to stop and post it in the NSFW channel. 


    Many people didn't grow up in the wild west days of the internet, but "NSFW" was just a joke. It was just another term for porn, because you're not supposed to look at porn at work, and it was popularized. Now it seems to mean a real thing to normies, and they even have some rationality behind it - "If you're not comfortable to show it to your boss, then it doesn't belong here." Which begs the question... no one in the discord I was in were "at work," and it's not like college aged kids never seen a titty before, so what was the problem? Ironically, the nude art they were complaining about on the discord was drawn in public, or a public coffee shop. 


    It's okay to have rules... I follow pretend rules, because I'm used to deviant art. Deviant art doesn't allow art that is explicitly sexual... I don't post anything like that. The more defined rules are no protruding boners, no gaping holes, no sexual contact between your fictional characters, stuff like that. And those are the rules I follow. No one has ever approached me for drawing nude characters in public... it's never ever been a problem, just when I was posting my art on a college discord. How weird is that. 


    What does SW think? 

  2. According to another thread, made by Bhytre, the killer, and posters of many other levels of ownage, there was a claim that the death of xbox killed this forum. 


    People claim about xbox being dead... and I'll agree... but it was always the system that made gaming exemplary. when xbox "died," so did gaming... if this forum really did die, or is just sick, it's because there's no xbox to make gaming good and exciting, as well as anger the haters on the stupid consoles like Nintendo consoles. 


    We should all pray, collectively, that the Xbox comes back and becomes alive again. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Saucer said:


    If it began and ended with vanity pronouns, I'd write it off as another silly fad, and if they're feelings get hurt, I'd apologize to them for not liking their new Pet Rock. 


    The problem is that behind the annoying attention-seeking is the Woke cult's attempt to police language and turn Wokism into a global monoculture. If MAGA is stage two cancer, Wokism is stage 4. Imagine MAGA but with dominate control of our soft power institutions. That's what's likely coming if the Dems run the table in November because the left does as bad of a job of policing their wingnuts as the right these days. 

    How is maga cancer? What is the difference between trump’s presidency and George w bush’s? Without the wars. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Saucer said:


    Gender and sex were synonyms until  a group of feminist social scientists decided to arbitrarily redefine gender, so I'm not sure what conspiracy theories have to do with the issue. 



    Not even a little.


    1. It's moronic attention seeking.
    2. Using they/them as singular pronouns is often confusing.
    3. Xe/Xem sounds like bad L. Ron Hubbard writing.

    4. If it becomes a big fad, trying to remember everyone's vanity pronouns is going to become ridiculous.


    But most of all Laurie Penny is now doing it so I feel a cosmic need to immediately make fun of it.



    And she's too self-absorbed to notice she's shitting on "non-binary" people by saying "she" has more status than "they"; it's an honorific that should be earned unlike "they" which every peasant can freely use.


    It’s not moronic at all. You’re just thinking to much about it. Stop resisting. Take the hormones. 

  5. 10 hours ago, Cooke (not admin cant help said:


    People have been confusing the idea. If you're a feminine male that does not mean you're a different gender or you should transition to a woman. The media has really fucked up a generation. Wokeism is abhorrent. 


    There is a spectrum of personality and behavior for the 2 genders. There are not 2000 genders. 

    You know... there’s really no reason to resist this new thinking program or paradigm. Your masters already decided it for you. Take the hormones already. Become a girl.

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