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Posts posted by GeorgeW1000

  1. Hmmmm... so, I learned most of the people being arrested for arson are trannies. Most of them are probably on food stamps and the Oregon health plan. Most of them probably get free hormones. So it feels a bit silly when conservatives post them about being shot to death with the insurrection act. They are just crazy trannies setting fires. 

    I have a better idea. I will sneak downtown with my new device the tranny catcher 5000. I will suck up all the trannies with my device, and keep them at home in my basement until they become good Christian girls. Society will forget about this and the city will heal. 

  2. I wanted to post some crazy naming bullshit I heard the other day from some cosplay girl.


    she said in her chat that she was an “assigned female at birth.”


    she actually used the acronym AFAB, but because people didn’t know what it meant, some guy explained it to us. 

    It’s really hard to process the term... it’s trying to convey a long message, like complicated propaganda, into a small sentence. 

    I guess it’s a transgender thing. The transgenders are actually women, and they’re not different from any other women, but we need a word to describe women. This concept isn’t hard to grasp... it just means woman. But what’s hard to grasp is this jumbled meaning of “assigned” and “woman” and that it takes place “at birth.” 

    is this supposed to be normal for people my age? Do we consume this stuff without questioning it?

  3. Negro isn't an offensive word. It used to be the politically correct word years ago. I actually saw negro being used constantly in an old book about Southern Economic policy... I thought they were being mad racist and politically incorrect. I talked to my professor, and he told me they were trying to be absolutely politically correct. 

  4. This is all more reason to defund the police.


    If right wing terrorists are getting away with a 50 day assault on our city and police department.


    That means we should cut all police... and to replace them with antifas. 


    The antifas will get those right wing haters!

  5. Just now, jehurey said:

    you are literally posting a "journalist" who got caught at a right-winger meeting talking about how they were going to enter a protest.



    Congratulations................you couldn't have lost your credibility on this subject any quicker than typing the name Andy Ngo.





    Ohhhhh my goooooooooddddd andy ngo was the crazy right winger trying to burn down the police bureau.  It all makes sense now! 

  6. 7 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    meanwhile..................actual police departments, MULTIPLE, in MULTIPLE cities, have internal reports in which they confirm it was right-wingers and white supremecists.


    Now I know that a TWITTER guy must be a fantaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaastic source of what's happenin'........:jasonj:


    Wow... antifa accounts... ONLINE? Taking credit of the terrorism?


    I was beginning to agree with you that the white supremacists dressed up in antifa gear, committed several arson attacks around town, and tried to burn down the police department after 50 days. I think I remember the mayor blaming them for it, but apparently that was made up, you have the evidence. 

  7. Just now, jehurey said:

    No. That's not confirmation of antifa.


    I'll let you in on a little secret.










    ..........it turns out








    ...........that right-wingers and white supremecist.













    .............are usually white :bena:


    I know, I was surprised too when I found out.

    Wow you've convinced me. Meanwhile Andy Ngo has a whole twitter feed detailing the truth. 

  8. Just now, jehurey said:

    LOL, the Mayor is specifically saying its Antifa and extreme-leftists?


    Show me where he says that?

    He said it was the white people wanting to fight racism, aka antifa 


    I don't need to give you a source. You don't live here. Fuck off to your shithole. 

  9. Just now, jehurey said:

    I like how you can't actually defend your argument, and are just trying to flame your way out.


    An un-labeled force walking the streets within the domestic borders, and taking people in unmarked vehicles.


    THere really is no way you can downplay those simple facts.


    It is pretty sad to see you actively failing to uphold the most BASIC qualities of what it means to be American. You are actually giving excuses for government fascism.

    Textbook fascism... Hitler shit... like the holocaust... those poor jews. 

  10. Just now, jehurey said:

    Well.............actual law enforcement reports say that they are.


    Who am I going to believe, you? Who have no actual evidence and just parrot second-hand information from biased people?


    Or the law enforcement who are sharing actual intelligence gathering that they've collected?

    I believe what the Mayor said, not brainless government propaganda.  

  11. Just now, jehurey said:

    No, it is government tyranny.


    When an unnamed law force is showing up within the domestic borders and openly fighting with people and throwing them into unmarked vehicles.


    That is the very definition of tyranny.


    Crimes, if they are being committed, are LOCAL laws, only enforced by local law enforcement.


    Its pretty disgusting that you actively promote fascist tactics such as these.  Its very un-American.

    Wow the federal government is fascist. they are like Hitler. Think of the poor jews being killed. 

  12. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    You're not even right in that sense:






    It was the far right extremists who wanted to burn down the justice center for 50 straight days. 


    They locked people in black owned businesses, trapped the people inside with barricades, and set them on fire while people were inside.


    Then they left graffiti saying "Are you with us?"


    The mayor did a press conference on it. 

  13. 21 hours ago, Chicano3000 said:







    Government tyranny isn't arresting people for breaking the law or being revolutionaries.


    Government tyranny is not arresting people when it's your job, and forcing the rest of the population to obey laws when they could do something about the vandals, the antifas, the criminals, the agitators. 


    Essentially the government is protecting rioters while they destroy the city, not protecting the city and the civilized folk. 

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