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Posts posted by GeorgeW1000

  1. One of the best anime all time is Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. Back in the old days of anime, a show called fullmetal alchemist was reccomended, but it didn't cover all the manga, and was artistically inferior. I watched the old show back when it was popular, but I don't recommend it now. 



    FMA Brotherhood was one of the first anime to make the leap to HD anime, and it was so nice looking I remember being skeptical that the story would be good. One of the best anime ever though.



  2. A great based anime... but an incredibly over-mentioned one is Evangelion. As an anime... it's one of the best -- but it has a cult following whose fans only watch that anime, even if there are better anime. 


    Still, worth a mention. 



    As an anime Studio, Gainax is one of the most treasured among fans. Even if its works are all different than Evangelion. I think Eva took off at gainax because of the artistic freedom the studio gave its artists.

    The studio Gainax had a rebellion and many artists left to 4 new studios... the most popular is Trigger. I think trigger's stories are absolutely stupid, but their art is awesome. 


    The best show they ever produced, bar none is Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann, which may be the most manime anime in history. It's something Kamikaze Pie cherished, I know that.


  3. On 2020-07-08 at 11:42 AM, Delita said:

    I miss classic Gundam series. Gundam wing, Turn A Gundam, MS team, G Gundam were some of my favorites

    Turn A is still one of the best anime in history I think. 



    Someone told me it's supposed to be the last gundam you watched. But It's really the only gundam I watched lol. 


    I think what makes it so exceptional is Syd Mead's gundam designs. Tomino didn't like them... but he's wrong. SYD MEAD.



  4. 1 minute ago, bhytre said:

    I've seen the Ghost in The Shell films a long time ago and they were incredible, they were pretty much impossible to miss out on even mainstream media would talk about the insane animation that went into it. Always was a serie that interested me but it never got further than that. I have a lot of catching up to do :smoke: 

    Ghost in the Shell Stand alone complex is great fun.



    In fact this opening might be one of the earliest memories I have of anime. (excluding pokemon and Yugioh) You know I mean like adult stuff, right? 


    It doesn't reach the level of Oshii's work which has a stylistic seriousness to it that makes it a work of art. SAC is much sillier than that, but I liked it. I have a drawing from the series (one of the frames they used in the anime) in my room. It cost like $300. 

  5. 1 minute ago, bhytre said:

    I'll download that after I watch Porco Rosso, I'm gonna go full manime weeb as long as corona-chan exists B) 



    I'm sure you heard of the acclaimed "Ghost in the Shell" series. But what you may not know about it is that it's Oshii's greatest work of all time, inspiring many film makers around the world, including the Matrix. 


    Oshii made two films... GITS  and GITS 2: innocence 





    There is a Ghost in the Shell TV series called Ghost in the Shell Stand alone complex. This series is good but it's not Mamoru Oshii-- The director of that series considers Oshii his mentor and tries to make his films as oshii like as possible "To make it seem like Oshii made the work." 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, bhytre said:

    sounds great, is this from an anime or movie? 

    Patlabor 1 and 2 are both movies with an OVA series that is set before them.


    All the music is done by Kenji Kawai:


    Mamoru Oshii has worked extensively with Production I.G. Every animated film he has made since Patlabor: The Movie (1989) has been produced under the studio. He also worked closely with screenwriter Kazunori Itō; they made five films together, beginning with The Red Spectacles and ending with Avalon. His closest colleague, however, is music composer Kenji Kawai. Kawai has composed most of the music in Oshii's work, including ten of his feature films. According to Oshii, "Kenji Kawai's music is responsible for 50 percent of [his] films' successes" and he "can't do anything without [Kenji Kawai]."[64]

  7. Probably the greatest mind in anime was Mamoru Oshii (apart from ghibli) 


    He created hit after hit.


    But my personal favorite was Patlabor Ova and the movies. 


    Watch the Patlabor Ova first, and then the movies for the real experience. 




  8. 4 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    I was sooooo disappointed by Vinland Saga. I feel like they marketed it as a authentic Viking based action series (rare by anime standards) but then in the first few minutes some dude fucking leaps 20 feet in the air and strides across a bunch of ships like a DBZ character. I immediately turned it off when I saw that.

    Oh really? I never saw it. It was my friend's favorite anime of 2019. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Substatic said:

    whats the best new anime from 2019-2020 i have not kept up in long time.

    I was going to say Made In Abyss, but that's 3 years old already. It's probably the best new series in terms of art direction, characters and story.


    The only problem is that it's very pedo, and I don't mean that lightly. I enjoy anime with child characters in them, I get it and all, but the show goes to great lengths to sexualize children. Not necessarily as fan service, but there are some inappropriate scenes that only Japan can get away with. Still a good show though. Im not really offended or disgusted by the obsession of childlike characters in Japan, but it's not something I'm into, nor would I consider that BASED. 


    My favorite 2019 show was Promised Neverland. 


    Promised Neverland had childlike characters but they were all very mature and the reason they were children was very believable. Like Made In Abyss, it's an actual good show. (But it didn't make me uncomfortable like Made In Abyss did.) 


    Though I haven't seen it, maybe Vinland Saga is up your alley. It's my friend's favorite show of 2019


    Though the best anime of 2020 will be Higurashi (When They Cry) remake. 




    Based on the cult classic, this anime will be a great watch. Though I doubt it would be as good as the Visual Novels are, because they're so long. 


    Basically, if you watch an anime in 2020, it's going to have childlike characters -- if you don't like that, you don't like modern anime... basically. This thread isn't really about modern anime. It's about BASED anime, or as Kamikaze Pie and I liked to put it, MANIME. 

  10. I can appreciate games like TLOU 2, but for a game to be a classic or perfect, it has to be BASED.


    What do I mean by that? It has to be cool and relatable to the point of it being a great work of art. 


    Many anime fit into this category-- so much that they're based. 


    If Talamatross was still here, he'd appreciate this thread. 


    We'll start by listing the most based anime of all time -- The Legend of the Galactic Heroes. 




    This anime is so old school, and yet everything about it is lovable, from the music to the characters to the story. The only problem with it is that it's long. 


  11. 27 minutes ago, bhytre said:

    Just watched Perfect Blue, a Japanese anime movie from 1997 



    It's about a retiring J-pop idol who wants to make the switch to become an actress but finds herself making some wrong decisions that start affecting her mental sanity, along with other things going against her new development like crazy fans that show more obsession than sheep with a sales chart.

    Starts off fairly mellow and slow but quickly becomes very trippy and dark.

    It's beautifully drawn and encapsulates that old school feeling of that era. I watched it in Japanese because the English dub sounded a bit too much like those cheap hentai dubs you'd find on Limewire.

    Along with some mandatory pervy stuff because it's Japanese it turned out to be quite something :dame:


    Edit: Happens to be on Youtube


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    Watch Millennium Actress. 


    Perfect Blue is the best Satoshi Kon film. 

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