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Everything posted by GeorgeW1000

  1. Uncle Ben is proof this forum is still racist
  2. https://pissdaily.com/ps5-sissy-hypno-confirmed/
  3. Is there anything not about race? Part of me wonders if the race brainwashing is a good thing... but it makes us so blind to reality.
  4. My little sister started her transition when she was 12 years old and she is healthy and happy.
  5. Trans people don't get enough support
  6. That's probably why your posts always struck me as grown up. I never saw you troll.
  7. Yeah... I think I was in middle school during GS SW but i'm not sure. I enjoyed growing up with you guys. I was going to join the air force with kamikaze pie but he died...
  8. Don't you feel bad for the sheep though? They play zelda after zelda trying to relive their childhood. It's all the same formula. It's sad.
  9. Hello, I'm sure everyone here is an adult gamer... We grew up on SW and became old, and some of us still play videogames. What do you do to avoid peterpanism? It's a symptom of being adult children. I like toys, games and anime, but I don't consider myself an adult child. I became separated from my family when I joined the military and I am independent... even if I still like childish hobbies. I'm especially concerned about the sheep on this site because Nintendo is specifically aimed at children, and have an army of Adult children
  10. Darkjacob has a gf and they have SJW sex parties in my addict and use my dildo collection and we don't wash it often.
  11. I don't see anyone here come across as an incel. Those people are rarer than you think.
  12. This is a perfectly normal opinion that sounds creepy coming from you.
  13. I joined a Trump facebook group to be around conservatives and all the posts are about bill gates and or are by antivax moms.
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