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Everything posted by GeorgeW1000

  1. They're economists... they're less free market oriented than I would like, but they're definitely great thinkers. I like Hayek a lot and I wonder if I should replace him with the people in my sig.
  2. I'm reading The Road To Serfdom by Fredrick Hayek
  3. Yes i sent it to dili and dili decided to dox him in this thread.
  4. "Darkjacob says "At least I'm making a impact on the world, unlike most of you nerds"
  5. Darkjacob says "At least I'm not still posting on http://sw.com fucking nerd"
  6. I like dynamite cop... one of the reasons I come here I think.
  7. I saw that... Didn't know it was seth rich lol.
  8. Stop the fighting, gamers You have more in common than you do differences Stop fighting End the “system wars” Unite against a common foe, women and minorities
  9. There is some talk about nicotine helping fight against the virus and not harming it.
  10. I remember playing Unreal Championship 2. I had a ton of fun with the game, especially with that melee combat.
  11. We'll find you racists!!! Memes aside: racism is a natural product of the brain.
  12. Yeah, my point was is that the OG Xbox (calling the xbone the one is terrible marketing by the way) was kind of like the dreamcast, the powerful cool console with tons of memorable games. JSRF, Oddworld, Spinter cell, Panzer Dragoon, Halo 1 and 2, Ninja Gaiden, KOTOR, Burnout, Jade Empire, and really obscure ones like Stubbs the Zombie. There were tons of great games worth playing on the xbox original and xbox 360. I think PS games have always been overrated, I don't really care how many 10s a PS gets now days. That list you sent me? Rubbish, except for persona 5. I love the persona series, bu
  13. lol. I think the Xbox 1 was a special system, kind of how people looked at the dreamcast.
  14. Bodycount is a lemming that got so owned he turned coat and became his own ownage. Maybe that's true for me too.
  15. Eatin spicy chips. I love capitalism because these chips are spicy like they should be. The brand is Paqui.
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