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Everything posted by GeorgeW1000

  1. Yeah, I was 14 years old on SW. and that’s 15 years ago?
  2. OH YOU'RE DAVID P??? 😲 50 caliber asprin!
  3. I bought the kill la kill game, it looks so nice on my 4k montior
  4. I wonder if you can find his last post on the site with search... 😱
  5. He and I were like the master of lemmings for awhile.
  6. Bravo cooke - glad to interact with a memory of mine from 10-15 years ago 🙂
  7. Why did people hate xeternityx? Was it because he was a kid?
  8. There is a user named "9_volt" on this forum... He's a antagonist to what's left of gamergate... aka the gamergate cottage industry.
  9. I remember a lot of usernames... sometimes I forget about things, but I remember the characters for sure. Bhytre, Ranik_, Talamatross, GS4U are all classic people I remember. I also remember some people... off the top of my Head: Hold_the_pickle, ElectroDynamo (not to be confused for dynamitecop), Clearacell, Smoothizzle, Bl!nd_Designs, Jp_Zer0, DanoruX, Handsome Horse, Casey (never posted on SW.com right?), Lodge, SSJ, Fact0r, ShadowCuz, Pat McCrotch, -dk- and who else am I forgetting? These are just the few in my working memory. Maybe I should browse the archives. In
  10. This forum is savage as usual.
  11. I would be willing to pay extra just to keep my games organized on the steam cloud. Whenever I game, I expect to spend around $20-$60. Maybe hardcore gamers care more about deals.
  12. Steam is great ramza. They carry tons of my weeaboo reading games.
  13. Probably fake. Only 30 people in tokyo died from the virus during the whole pandemic.
  14. kojikun if you want to send your cock to someone DM me
  15. Masks murder people through the government abortion murders people through the government therefore we must cut government
  16. Agreed, sick of him. Ban his twitter account too.
  17. I voted 6 times...................................................................... in my lifetime.
  18. Masks don’t do anything and abortion actually affects life
  19. I saw that, quite scary - I didn't go down any rabbit holes of election fraud (how on earth could I do something like that?) But I've been silently reading some stuff about it. Seeing that, either way, Trump is trying to make himself the legitimate leader is quite scary for everyone in the country.
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