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Sergio Perez SP11

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Everything posted by Sergio Perez SP11

  1. He’s aware, he won’t go to the damn bank with me to get him off the account… he’s my cousin/godson btw.. currently in the middle of opening a new bank account elsewhere and moving everything there..
  2. Rewarded myself with a 2022 Rolex Submariner (Date) A little backstory, after a couple very difficult years with a business partner that amounted to no real growth, being on the brink of going out of business, and finding out my business partner was in negotiations behind my back to sell the company (it never would have happened, I never would have agreed) I sold my vehicle, borrowed some money, and bought the company. Here we are less than a year later, I’ve turned the company around. Payed off the loans, Nearly tripled our sales, and lowered my overhead (he was the
  3. Personally I’d say 2560x1440p 7700x from microcenter with free ram And a GPU like a 3090, 3080, or 6950XT is the best bang for your buck. The price per value charts for GPU’s are dumb because the rest of the computer will still cost you at least $1000 , That should be factored in As well. basically what I’m saying is a computer that costs $1800 and gets 180 FPS @ 1440p is better value than a $1200PC that gets you 100 FPS @ 1440p
  4. I have a 4080 build I haven’t had time to put together.. what a waste..
  5. Congrats ! mine are both in high school
  6. That was painful, and yes in hindsight starting on hards was the better strategy. I’m predicting Max to win in Italy, and Checo to win in Spain and Monaco
  7. taycan interior tho… Cayenne will be getting the same infotainment system
  8. Yeah for customers and down time . it’s in the waiting room. plus I live like a mile from my company plus tax write off
  9. Probably a combination of, hard work, and not having time to eat lol also, never go into business with family (except maybe your dad) Things are sour with my ex partner/cousin He was trying to sell the company behind my back when i had zero intention of selling. They wanted to sell, but not to me. To top it off my ex partner/cousin went to work for my #1 client after being bought out. (this client sent us 15k of work a month) And they made him manager, he’s now in charge of where to send their work, and he’s sending it out somewhere e
  10. Getting a quad motor cyber truck this year my kids are gonna hate it
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