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Sergio Perez SP11

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Everything posted by Sergio Perez SP11

  1. I imagine Vancouver, Denver, Portland, and Seattle to be very similar lol
  2. If you live near a Microcenter, this would be the way to go if you want to pair it with a new Ryzen CPU. Ryzen 5 3600 = $200 RX 5700 = $300
  3. don’t wanna deal with switching out the GPU every 2 years with a custom loop. i am contemplating moving my 360MM AIO from my CPU to a GPU tho (with a Kraken G12), and using something less beefy for the CPU, maybe a 140mm AIO or a regular CPU cooler. Not like the CPU matters at 4K anyway, I can probably underclock the CPU a bit at 4K and wouldn’t even notice a difference..
  4. Not every single sound that comes out of my speakers is going to drown out a loud ass GPU. And some times there’s no audio or hardly any audio in a game at times. Think open world adventures for example
  5. Too bad AIB cards won’t be out for another month allegedly. cant stand blower cards
  6. Wait for PS5 to find out Console Gaming Master Race
  7. Lol the last post I read from you, was in the “this forum is dead” thread, and you talked about not being a fanboy anymore
  8. It’s a pretty good card for $400, makes it hard to justify spending 100% more for a 2080 Super with 30% better performance.
  9. Plan to buy a Tesla within the next year
  10. I don’t think you can throw around “most immersive” without VR or similar guess that means VR is coming ?
  11. They’re basically predicting 320mm die size, which is kind of small. they even said original Xbox was 380mm
  12. March 2012: 7870 Ghz (GCN 1st Gen) 1280 Shaders 1000 MHz 212mm 2.56 TF 175w TDP November 2012: 7870 XT (GCN 1st Gen) 1536 Shaders 975 MHz 352mm 3 TF 185w TDP Thats a 18% performance jump with a 6% power draw jump. Both 1st gen GCN and just 8 months apart. Next gen consoles are rumored to be RDNA+ or some shit like that 10TF is minimum what next gen consoles will be. im on team 12 TF 56 CU (3584 Shaders) @ 1675 MHz
  13. There’s still potential for more performance More Compute Units and Slightly Less Clocks gives better performance per watt.
  14. So when’s the Super announcement radeon is fucking awful
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