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Sergio Perez SP11

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Everything posted by Sergio Perez SP11

  1. Anyone else have a gun here? Post it
  2. Hardly ever. unless I’m hanging out with people under 25..
  3. Don’t remember him from systemwars.com
  4. Who’se OP? it feels a little odd to pick fights, brag, and argue with you guys nowadays
  5. I haven’t had my BMW for 7 years...
  6. All of the above. Currently looking for a building to lease to start a new company
  7. PS I’m picking up my first gun tomorrow. im not anti gun, I’m pro gun reform tho.
  8. You think other states gun laws would have prevented this? It’s the South and Alaska where most gun deaths happen per capita.
  9. Same. i kinda have the itch for a HDMI 2.1 120hz OLED. But I should wait a couple years. No HDMI 2.1 receivers exist anyway
  10. B8 is practically the same display as the B7 from 2017 C8 has A9 processor B8 has same A7 processor as B7
  11. Yah I don’t get why people act like variable frame rates between 30-40 is better than locked 30 FPS. does this game not have any form of vsync or wtf?
  12. No, the leaps were always huge from one generation to the next. i did completely pass on Xbox One and PS4, and didn’t purchase until the Pro and Xbox One X came out. glad I did, bunch of awesome cheap games to choose from. ill probably do the same next gen if consoles underwhelm with their 9TF crap
  13. Xbox One X came out in 2017, PS5 is going to be 50% more powerful and last until 2027? Underpowered, pass, fuck consoles
  14. It’s not that insane, it’s the bare minimum of what next gen should be. its exactly what us smarter people have predicted
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