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Posts posted by PhantomABS

  1. 1 minute ago, JONBpc said:

    The typical oh you must get married and have a couple kids and live in your tv sitcom life will soon be forgotten .


    So many young people,  especially females set an age they want to achieve this idea that was pushed into their head .


    When in reality marriage is a 50 50 chance and most people suck at and cant afford to be good parents. 


    Seems millenials are starting to figure this out .

    Here'ssome history knowledge for you people got married long before TV sitcoms. Delusional manchild :mj:




    2 minutes ago, -GD- said:

    yeah right :D 


    Mr. Wine Aunt will be 80 years old in a wheelchair with no sons or daughters to care for him show him love but at least he's hooked to to PS8's VR :dead2:


  2. 6 hours ago, -GD- said:

    eh, not really. i have never wanted kids...even when i was a kid/teen. i have always felt like they were an anchor. i've always wanted to be able to do whatever i wanted to do. my ex-wife and i split because she changed her mind about "not having kids"...and that's fine. i got a divorce so she could have the family she wanted and i can go back to just doing whatever i wanted. even marriage is too much of a pointless commitment, in retrospect. ironically, while i don't want children of my own, i absolutely love being an uncle. i see my nieces every weekend. but at the end of the day....i go back home...or to some broad's place...or to the bar...or wherever. if i die alone, i'm ok with that :smoke: but i have plenty of family and friends, so i'm sure i'll be fine, whichever side of the coin lands on.  to each is own, though. i have mad respect for men who, instinctively, want to be fathers. 

    Your like the sad wine aunt on twitter with all this protesting about how you don't want kids next stop for you is buying a vagina hat :sabu:

  3. On 2019-12-01 at 5:35 AM, jehurey said:

    Actually, its people who have kids and don't devote the proper time and resources to bringing them up properly that is one of the most immature and harmful things people can do in society.


    Its short-sighted. The people in my group who had kids were almost always the ones who planned ahead the least.


    Trying to act like having kids is a metric for measuring one's "grown-up-ness".......is laughable.


    Says the manchild \:danylol:


    You don't want children because you want to continue living as a child for the rest of your life. Consume consume consume. Never provide. How very sad. :cat:

    • Like 1
  4. On 2019-10-25 at 12:24 AM, jehurey said:

    Incels got triggered.


    If it makes you alt-right'ers feel any better, by the end of the episode, it seems to allude that the "Seventh Calvary" group is just a smokescreen that some other thing is behind all of this.


    But, its obvious these alt-right'ers got triggered because a spinoff cult based on Rorschach is a just a white extremist cult.


    That's not a crazy thing. White extremism usually take things that aren't directly related and they use for their hate causes.


    In this case, Rorschach WAS a fascist, he clearly had those tendencies. Its no surprise that his absolutionist dogma was warped even further by a simple hate group.


    What's more interesting is that the black lady also appears to share the ideology as Rorschach, she has a small piece of dialogue in the opening episode where she says that "all those colors only exist to disguise the real truth, that the only real colors in the world that matter is black and white." She has the same absolutionist mentality.

    Absolutist not absolutionist. She's not asking for absolution from a priest.


    tard :mickeyj:

  5. On 2019-09-30 at 1:06 PM, -GD- said:

    i have a good friend who wanted to get into tv. he had 0 work experience, but i knew he was a damn good editor/compositor and camera guy. so,  i told him to say he worked for me, as a freelance videographer/editor for 3 years. i have several side companies and just gave him the name of one to use. the place, he sent a resume to, called me. i raved about my friend's work ethic and finished products. he got the job and has been kicking ass since. sometimes, you got to do shady shit to help out a brother. 

    That is pretty cool my opinion of -GayDude- went up slightly :mickeyj:

    • Haha 1
  6. Spaz I will do this one nice thing for you because quite frankly this is pathetic so here it is. You need to reevaluate your life if your this upset someone on a dead internet message board doesn't like your posts. You need to find more worthwhile things to obsess over. I feel dirty now thanks alot.

    • Haha 2
  7. 1 minute ago, kaz said:

    bro you say the same shit over and over in your post and i think you are the same as me. you just don realize it. lmfao


    what the fuck is wrong with you.



    I think the funniest part is the first post you deleted was a few months back when people were talking about mass shooting and you closed a thread and people were upset about it. 


    and i just made a joke about the thread title you made because you said something like "i just woke up... and guess what another shooting"... even tho you closed another thread before.



    I didn't say anything because why would I? Not that I care, but then you keep deleting my post over and over in your own thread? 





    I am really sorry, remij, if I hurt your feelings but I don't undestand how you can be so small? I didn't know you hate me and if you want me gone, so be it. 

    If you leave just be sure not to come to Corn-rages we don't want you there eather. :mj:

  8. 8 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    Quite frankly... I feel no remorse, because you're a shitty poster.  Grow the fuck up.  We're not kids anymore.  Your responses to threads and posts are some childish assed shit, and I'm basically tired of you.  This is my way of letting you know it.


    You think you're funny.. but you're not.  And I agree 100% that I shouldn't be a mod...  because it's bad for people like you that I am.  You're not interested in talking like a fucking adult at all.  You can't even leave your shit persona at the door for one or 2 threads... It's pathetic.


    I don't give a shit if this is how you always were, or whatever you think makes it cool... but I'm getting tired of this shit here.  Maybe the other people are fine with your shit, and think you're a funny guy... I'm sure they agree with you that I'm a shitty mod and am "power tripping"...  but alas I'm a mod and they aren't.


    I feel like... surely if I delete something, or lock something, or whatever... some of you guys would be pissed for like a few minutes and then realize that we're all just acting fucking retarded here.  That MAYBE I'm just trying to spare us the same fucking thing again and again... Arguing about the pettiest shit possible...  Then when someone wants to make a semi-serious post, it just gets swallowed up in all the same bullshit that floods every thread.


    You're never going to change.  You're always going to inject your stupid little fucking comments wherever you can.. usually stoking the flames of some other argument.


    What a fucking waste... to be arguing all the fucking time about games...   That's fine... IF you can leave that shit at the door once in a while and have a normal conversation.  I do it too, but I always try to make some serious threads once in a while trying to have normal conversations with people here.  It just seems less and less possible now.  The frustrating part about it is that I'd like to change it... but there's no changing this site.


    So... do whatever.


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