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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Truno2018

  1. He’s a midget with a Napoleon complex, you have to be a massive snowflake to ban freedom of speech and press freedom.
  2. I’ve heard it’s actually worse because it makes things too easy but I’ll see for myself. I enjoyed the original so I’ll try out ZA too.
  3. 9’s graphics are fine. Problem is that FF9 is the safest game in the series. I tried to go back to it recently and it really doesn’t stand out enough from the other entries. I know some people love it because it feels like a tribute to all the old FF games but man, it really has nothing unique about it at all. I find it super boring. At this point I’d rather replay the PS2 Final Fantasies over the PS1 ones.
  4. This game must, in fact, suck if David likes it.
  5. Final Fantasy VII and IX don’t hold up at all today so really not a big deal. I’ve already got X and X-2 on my PS3. Zodiac age sounds slightly compelling to be able to play in handheld form but as great as XII was I’d rather not have to return to a 2006 game to experience a great FF game. Still, TCHBR.
  6. Truno2018


    Conspiritards will be in here shortly, posting from their mum’s basement about how they learned building physics (from another guy in his mum’s basement) on YouTube - and how it was all an inside job.
  7. Gamespot, lemmings just need to accept that their games suck and stop trying to run to other sites.
  8. I’m surprised Roflpwned wasn’t crediting Trump for killing Bin Laden. Trumptards.
  9. Resetera is full of loons. Then again, every single right winger in this thread I can guarantee got triggered by the gay Kratos thread. We’d basically have the snowflake right wing version of Resetera if most SW users had the same views as Aza and the right wing here.
  10. So basically your opinion on the Switch is like your opinion of trans people.
  11. Xbox/women shouldn’t be allowed to make more money than me and instead should be forced back into the kitchen so they stop outshining me.
  12. At least Russia won’t be the only third world country in Europe anymore.
  13. Balls Deep Gays pretty much never post anymore.
  14. I wonder what tomorrow’s right winger topic will be. Bhytre - “Women are making more money than me so liberals are trying to commit male genocide.” TLHBO - “I saw a gay couple on the BBC, Theresa May clearly wants to kill all non-LGBT people.” Ramza - “I saw a mosque on the way to Alcoholics Anonymous, Justin Trudeau is trying to turn everyone Muslim.” They’re such drama queens.
  15. I swear 50% of the topics on this forum are right wingers getting triggered by non-issues.
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