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Everything posted by madmaltese

  1. Dear lord are you playing the Game Boy Colour port? enjoy
  2. Down to 96 meta already, worse than BotW which is really a 7/10 without the nintendo/zelda bump. pfft
  3. Up to Ep7 and wife and I are massively hooked. Writing, acting and just the whole premise is so fucking good. Will prob try finish it in our next sitting.
  4. Nintendo could release an interactive title screen with the Zelda name and outlets going to be giving it a 10.
  5. Started Beef and it has been excellent. 3 eps in so far
  6. Would be awesome! Konami has too many major IPs for them to just sit there and Sony is the perfect partner for their type of games.
  7. Platinumed Paradise Killer. Been a while since a game sucked me in like that.
  8. That's fucking amazing
  9. Im sure theyll do something new to be roast worthy soon
  10. LMFAO even with Xbox's expectation of failure this is still a whole new level How have they done this to Arkane
  11. Definitely worth the try if you're into investigating kind of games. It's exploration has just felt so rewarding.
  12. Sony has been so quiet for so long that I can't even imagine how much stuff they've had cooking for multiple years now. MS meanwhile is still trying to release their XSX 'launch' games like Hellblade 2
  13. Yeah I did think it was going to be a game where it's open enough for a player to just get things wrong, but for now I'm just enjoying the investigating. The writing is top notch and it's such a unique setting.
  14. Playing Paradise Killer atm and it's actually pretty cool. Feels like a sort of more open Danganronpa/Pheonix Wright but far more serious. Any else played it?
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