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Everything posted by madmaltese

  1. There was nothing grey about Hitler. Everything he did was based on hate and race, his hate for jews and his love for what he believed was the 'pure' German. None of that is grey. All the movement and everything around it had that as it's basis which is exactly why it ended in genocide. I say over and over you can only judge an ideology from when it is in power and/or has a majority. That is the standard i apply to Islam when all the leftist spew out 'Islamaphobia'. You don't judge islam based on where it is a small minority in the US, you judge it based on the numerous countries where i
  2. jonb secretly playing and loving PS4 games confirmed
  3. Yeah and I'm just as harsh on that type of stupidity too but if you flip to 'owning it' then it turns from them being morons to them being justified (since you're actually now legitimately Nazi sympathising)
  4. On SW, yeah. In reality, obviously not, but I'm not an actual fanboy with only one console in reality either
  5. Do you include Crackdown 3 on gamepass? If not then Days Gone. Regardless the point is that SW is and always was about exclusives. Nothing is stopping you from hyping up Crackdown 3, it is the first major exclusive this year. Better than hyping multiplats on SW
  6. None of that matters when the end result was one of the greatest genocides in human history. Same way no one goes around talking about the 'good intentions' of Jim Jones in fighting against racism and oppression and wanting to make a better place for minorities with Jonestown because the end result was fucking mass murder/suicide. 'The ends justify the means' works both ways. When the ends are so horrific then nothing leading up to it matters. There is no sliver or ifs or buts because that road led to this. You can complain and make arguments about current issues
  7. You're not helping yourself. Since you are suggesting it had either 3510 (90%) exclusives or 3822 (98%) exclusives.
  8. I aint talking PS1, ffs, ain't none of here in 1994 lol Most ppl here are from GS SW which is 2000-2004 era and onwards which is PS2/3. It wasn't 2% multiplats. PS2 has over 1850 games released.......... they weren't 90% exclusive.
  9. When you kill millions of ppl based on race you sort of lose the 'not everything was bad' defense. It doesn't matter what the situation was prior or what facets you agree with prior. The result is what matters. Stop the Nazi sympatising bullshit. You can argue your points without any of it. This coming from someone born in Europe, who cares about Europe greatly and is one of the biggest critics of Islam here. There are many problems atm, none of them need you to result in 'but Hitler wasn't all bad'.
  10. The sheep are really missing out on a lot of amazing games this Q1, but sheesh, I have never seen a SW faction so happy about a bunch of multiplats. Back in the day it wouldn't even have rated a mention.
  11. Not really too sure. I'm usually far more surprised by high scores after playing certain games than low ones. Game reviews are so heavily skewed to 8+ that usually when something gets lower it really is average.
  12. One of the best sections of any game ever The way it implements it's narrative into gameplay is astounding.
  13. Again, if you want an opinion on an individual topic, ask it. I've been trying to explain how 'Centrist' on these quizzes doesn't mean neutral (unlike you seem to believe) to you yet it's gone over your head 3 times now. The quiz spits out centrist because I have views which are Market based and equality based (based on the individual subject). Or traditional based or progressive based, based on that individual subject. Ask a question about a specific topic like each of those specific questions and you'll get an answer (when I have time). Simple. Till then, enjoy your merry go
  14. Do you still actively collect? Or just accumulate current releases? As in do you try to get full sets of past systems to this day or this is just an accumulation of games over the years.
  15. Yup, that's a jerry post alright Iniate jerryscript.run Mate if you need to take these quizes multiple times to realise how basic Year 1 mathematics works then I don't blame you for thinking we are saying that we are smarter than you. Strongly Agree = +2 Agree = +1 Neurtal = 0 Disagree = -1 Strongly Disagree = -2 A moron could create the mechanics of these quizzes and and even dumber person could figure it out. You are the only one reacting to cooke and I. We haven't quoted or replied to anyone so quite obviousl
  16. If you want a food analogy, it would be between ordering the sweetest thing on the menu or the saltiest thing on the menu and someone just wanting something normal. Who is boasting? You're the only one that has somehow been offended by a couple ppl posting results which have ended up centrist and making up this narrative that they are berating it as being smarter than you. Again you're equating a stupid internet political quiz to 'explain their centrist view on the economy'. Either you are greatly overestimating how complex these quizes are or just take things far too
  17. First you are the only saying we think we are smarter and have created this narrative around that assumption. Secondly I responded 'Neutral' to about 7 of the 70 questions, mostly because the wording was too broad or ambiguous for me to commit. All I did is have very few that are 'Strongly' one way or another because the questions in general were broad and not detailed enough to be strongly in favour or against anything. Thirdly, holy crap you wrote a shit analogy. In essence you made up a story to give an example of your made up story.
  18. madmaltese


    Having time removed from it now and looking back I'm probably firm in the 'not a fan' camp. It's a technical marvel and a big step forward for Open world design but for the improvements in those areas it is equally archaic in very key gameplay elements. Everything from shooting to mission structure is incredibly poor. It's worth seeing for it's world but imo was not worth the 50-60 or so hours it took for me to get through it. Also you seriously need like 2 hour + game sessions to pretty much do anything in it. So see how that fits your gaming habits. Like Hot Sauce s
  19. Those are some of my favourite ever franchise but I don't know what good having them return will do. Most certainly do not give them to the devs that previously worked on them cause it would be a gigantic waste of talent. Yeah, it most definitely is still very much there.
  20. That's pretty impressive! This game has the potential to be a gigantic flop and pretty much come out and disappear or somehow fans are gonna jump on board and create some amazing stuff.
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