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Everything posted by madmaltese

  1. Yeah they do. You're either being incredibly ignorant or just downright cruel. Not everyone who is low income or unemployed is a 'welfare bum', and even if someone is a welfare bum and they have a little baby or kid, does that baby/kid not have a right for basic healthcare just because their parent/s are poor or even at worst, 'welfare bums'. What fault is that on a child? Do you have no heart? The medicare levy here is 2% of income if you earn over 90K or you can use private health care and not pay it. It is less for lower incomes. Regardless of whether or not you pay medicar
  2. For me, no, it's not entirely free (but for low income or unemployed it is), I pay my part through Medicare Levy, however I can totally avoid paying that if I wish and choose private cover (or a combination of both). I never ever have to worry about medical care though. Whether i'm on 100K+ a year or unemployed. Whether I have a simple flu or need to amputate a leg or fix a broken bone. All that is always covered. If I'm feeling unwell I can go doctor as many times as I want and they will send me to get checked out with free scans to makes sure everything is ok. I've had procedures done for no
  3. honestly, it sounds so strange to me (and I assume most non americans). Probably the same way that free healthcare might sound to you. All about the environment you've been brought up in I guess.
  4. Is that like part of the salary? As in lower income as that job offers health insurance? and does it cover all those things or is it just basic doctor visit type stuff?
  5. Asking some geniune questions, got this from a simple Google search. Is this accurate? Premiums for individual coverage averaged $440 per month while premiums for family plans averaged $1,168 per month. So families are paying like $13K+ a year for health insurance, regardless of income or financial capability? Does this cover everything? Like having a baby? Or Xrays, MRIs, ultrasounds, emergency operations, etc?
  6. The performance is always going to be better on PC. So as I said, MS' own consoles are useless for MS' own games.
  7. A lot of things americans think is 'right wing' is just American. No other Right wing politics around the world is pro gun and anti free healthcare. Those things are purely american traits. In fact in Aus, what would be considered the right wing party is the one that put in sweeping gun control. Both parties focus heavily on healthcare as it is a giant election winner. You'll be surprised how much money becomes available when your no.1 budget spend isn't Miltary. I read some things Americans say who are pro miltary and anti free healthcare and I literally can't believe it.
  8. Got emmm Xbox One X is useless for MS' own games Buys an xbox twice. Plays MS games on PC
  9. As an aussie reading this convo, I must say so much of this sounds insane
  10. I would gladly take 45-60 over anything locked under. Zomg Anthem is locked at a beautiful 20fps, it's not a 'mess' cause its the same always LOL and don't worry, I'll be playing Crackdown 3 on my PC while you have a mess of low fps
  11. Yeah 20fps and 45 are totally the same thing. Anthem is a mess because it can drop to 20fps which is near unplayable levels. 45-60 is far from unplayable.
  12. Crazy theory. Maybe the government should run within its means like any other business.... Maybe the USA can't afford 639bn in Miltary spending. .. Or to build a wall... Also there's numerous misconceptions going on. Firstly being that a greater tax on the rich is somehow going to have that tax money trickle down to those that need it. LOL. good one.
  13. It's more than ok. Games locked at 30fps are fine too. 60fps is better but it doesn't make 45-60 'a mess'. But I'm happy for you to disagree. Nice standard you set for yourself. Anything 45fps and lower is not ok and a mess :) Good to know.
  14. Finished off the main games I have so just mucking around with Onrush and Steep from Plus for the time being. My friend bought RE2 and KH3 so I'm happy to wait to play them when he's done since this Q1 is stacked af.
  15. When Arena get a 7.0 or above let me know :P
  16. LMAO just checked out the Era thread.
  17. Just don't be surprised when everyone lets you know fairly quickly how it drops down again. Show every success and get shown every failure.....which SoT has had many.
  18. Spot on. Detroit's character's (2 out of 3 of them anyway) are written very well for a video game and have more heart than most other games. Not to mention it is truly the only game that truly has choice and consequence with proper differing paths that influence the entirety of the game. Not the illusion of choice like nearly all Telltale games and most other ones of this genre.
  19. That's fine, but let's not act like you haven't been posting Top 3 listing every time one of the big streamers is on like it's now some major game. It's on scale with Runescape. Great I guess.
  20. Some of this shit is insane. Had no idea it was close to capable of these things. Will see how they play. has immense potential though.
  21. For all the David Cage haters? Have yous played Detroit? He's hardly an amazing writer or director but Detroit is legitimately excellent and he has realised his shortcoming and got help in the writing department for Detroit.
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