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Everything posted by madmaltese

  1. Point remains. Anyone can not purchase something. It means nothing about it's quality. You skipped the winner of most GOTYs this year but bought Sea of Thieves. Curious. You not buying Smash last month doesn't mean Switch had nothing last month.
  2. You also don't own God of War, Spiderman and Horizon yet you have a PS4 so your purchase history isn't the best indicator of quality....
  3. Why would I support them on the system that I'm complaining they abandoned for in favour of consoles lol Yeah, I'm a real PC Gamer
  4. So Q1 2019 is stacked AF. So let's play a little game and try predict who the causalities will be (because there surely will be) and which games will reign supreme. Then we get to look back on the thread and laugh at the people that were wrong (is that the point of everything). Judge each on two SEPARATE factors. Critically and commercially. Meaning you get predict something gets critical praise but fails commercially. We will judge critical success as AA+ (be specific if you think AAA) The games are -(my prediction) Ace Combat 7 - (AA, com
  5. That's fine but by doing this you're only setting yourself up to lose long term and for what? Wii U is ancient history on SW now. Why would sheep care about the Wii U sales now especially after the hit that the Switch is? That's like if the next Xbox destroys the PS5 next gen and all the cows start saying 'yeah but ps4 won gen 8'....um ok, so?
  6. Or the entire concept of generations just doesn't exist in the same way anymore. MS and Sony went from iterative upgrades in the generation while Nintendo abandoned the hardware and made a new one. Nothing is going to align again between the 3 moving forward. The point is that now for the '9th Gen' as you put it, the Xbox has to best the best the fastest selling system in US history because by your own standard that is their direct comparison. Why would sheep care about the Wii U now lol
  7. Was originally planning PC but I'm in complete 'wait and see' mode for this game now. I'll see what reviews say regarding differences between platforms. I'm probably gonna wait till after launch though because I think it will be heavily discounted fairly quickly.
  8. Well done Dyno. Great standard you have set up for the next Xbox to compete against now. Only has to beat the fastest selling system in US History (Switch) next gen or the Sheep now get to claim all that ownage on you all over again. You literally just created the scenario to get destroyed twice by the exact same sales figures lol
  9. What part of 'Obviously it is going to sell more with a console launch' sounds like I said it would sell better on PC alone? fmd. It's obviously going to sell better but also most likely to be drowned out in terms of people caring about the franchise. The original 2 metro games didn't set the world on fire sales wise but stuck out and were continually referred to as top examples in their franchise, I don't think the same will be the case here. Yeah you obviously are just not understanding anything I'm saying as usual. No shit it looks better than a 2010 and 2013. I'm t
  10. Oh boy are you setting yourself up badly.
  11. They obviously did since it is now getting it's 3rd entry in the series Obviously it is going to sell more with a console launch though which is what they care about however it is also a bigger chance of getting drowned out. Very little people are talking about this, it is clustered between a bunch of big games and the people who have an affinity with the franchise don't seem to be the main target for this game. What about this looks like a massive leap to anything around it currently? The first two Metros were legitimate leaps and standouts for their genre at their time
  12. Dyno never even has time to recover from being wrong as he is usually already on to the next ridiculous delusion by that time. In this case, MS acquiring Insomniac and when that gets proved wrong he'll just say he wasn't the one that tweeted it yet his dumb ass always falls for it
  13. Metro should've remained a PC centric franchise first then console getting ports later. The first two games were graphical showcases for years after release. This one definitely doesn't appear to be in that class.
  14. Game is going to be so good. I feel it's going to tank commercially though. Being sent out to die
  15. This has been something that has been resisted for a very long time but has the time finally come? Will the bast price for games go up from $60 (to say $70) starting with next gen games?
  16. TBF you do most of the work of owning yourself.
  17. You only need to login to buy the game on PS4 then have it as your primary ps4 for that account and you can play it on your main account which is why I'm saying the number is incredibly tiny because it is only logging in on the very rare occasion they are buying something from a foreign store. I'm pretty much done with this convo though because it's embarrassing the lengths you're going to to try and minimise the number. Believe what you what, it's not like facts have ever changed your mind before.
  18. If they are logging in to a PSN every month then yes. Believe it or not there is many single units with actual multiple active users. You continue to try to minimise the number by bringing out these incredible tiny proportion of situation to a gigantic number. You're trying to pass this as 1 person having 5 diff accounts that he is somehow logging into all 5 when sales and trophies are tied to singular accounts. The main reason ppl did this was for different region store fronts and again that number is so tiny it's laughable to mention when we are talking about a system with 91.6m
  19. SM is one of the worst things to ever happen in modern tech. It's true effects probably won't even be evident till multiple generations.
  20. Has an account logged in to PSN in that given month. If Yes then it is a MAU. It's not complicated. Even less complicated is seeing a giant jump in that number after massive game releases like RDR2, COD, Spiderman. Even other previously major releases like GoW make an impact because many regular ppl wait till BF or Christmas to buy games.
  21. You realise MAU increases can account for previously NON active users becoming active in a month right? Yes, the holiday season, especially in a year with Red Dead and the most successful COD in ages will have vastly larger MAUs than a month half way into the year. Only you could be this dense to find that surprising.
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