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Everything posted by madmaltese

  1. Platinumed Spyro More Smash Ultimate (actually like World of Light) MHW
  2. Perfect level design Perfect controls New Mechanics added very regularly and all add a new element to the already super platforming Story elements impact the gameplay of the game Seriously its like a 4-5 hour game. Just play it longer than 10min first.
  3. Saw it on sale and bought it the other day. It's excellent. If you've played FTL you know what you're getting. If you like Advance Wars then you will defs like it too.
  4. Or maybe it just doesn't deserve to be GOTY. I've played nearly every GOTY nominee and while Horizon 4 is a great game it really is only more Horizon 3 and while it does arcade racing well, it still isn't close to be talked about along with the other nominees this year. Probably a testament to how good 2018 is more than to the quality of Horizon 4 though. Still though, the franchise needs a major shake up.
  5. I've slowly went away from accumulating games this gen to simply playing them and either trading them back or just going digital to begin with.
  6. Sunderland Till I Die is the greatest football doco ever.
  7. Not surprised but who cares, basically getting it out the door to cancel it anyway. Same with the last season of JJ and apparently contractually these netflix characters can not appear on any other network/service for 2 years from cancellation.
  8. Nearly platinumed the first Spyro. Also some Smash Ultimate. Picked up Into the Breach on sale on Switch also but haven't played it.
  9. Shit dude, happy to hear you're better but be careful having combinations of fever, severe headaches (and something else like vomiting) and not going to the doc. Can always be something minor like food poisoning but those combinations can also be symptoms of much more serious stuff and you gain nothing by just trying to hope it goes away.
  10. It's not a long game and as the game progresses and you unlock more gadgets they really bring combat into it's own element. Far better than Batman combat imo.
  11. Bandersnatch. Pretty much got every ending and side option possible. Really enjoyable experience and worked pretty well but also ready for the regular BM season.
  12. Awesome card. Volkanovski with the win for the Aussies. Epiccccccc history making moment from Nunes Then Jones being the GOAT.
  13. Still need to finish S3 of Narcos. Pretty amazed that I keep hearing that the non Escobar seasons are even better than the first 2
  14. What Trump is doing in Syria is by a country mile the best thing he has done in his entire term as president and a millions times better than anyone has done there in a while. I know yous probably don't hear much about what's going on there now but Syria is the best it has been in years (I'm talking about hearing from actual Syrians that have families there). They've actually be able to celebrate Christmas as a minority there without the fear of attacks unlike how it was with ISIS or the American supported rebels. It's back to being the secular Syria (as secular as Syria can be). Don't l
  15. Imagine if Deeno had to have a new Avatar everytime he was wrong, I wouldn't even recognise him in any thread anymore.
  16. A little Smash Bros and some MHW but not much lately. Busy with the Christmas commitments.
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