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Everything posted by madmaltese

  1. Haven't even touched a supercar yet. My Focus RS and Impreza WRX doing the work as usual
  2. Most of the ppl complaining about the lack of length in VR games are non VR players. I personally don't want some long af VR game. That isn't what's it for imo. I will never play Skyrim, FO or anything like that in VR. Give me cheaper, shorter games with replay value and I'm good. Everyone acting like these are full priced 5 hour games.
  3. Nothing has prior, just saying that weather variety isn't some gigantic ground breaking thing. I personally would love more race type variety and I don't mean Street, rally, etc I'm sounding a little negative and I don't mean to be. This is still an incredibly good game. An easy 9/10.
  4. That's 5 hours more content than Sea of Thieves
  5. Some of the designs featured when you buy a car are insanely good
  6. Yeah, Horizon 3 was my first Horizon game and that blew me away, this one is more of a continuation of that great thing without the same initial impact. Sort of how I feel AC Odyssey is going to be compared to Origins. Still a great game but the formula needs either a break or a significant change for the next gen. Regarding best racing game ever, for me personally, from an arcade perspective, nothing has beaten Burnout 3. Absolutely love the Horizon series but the adrenaline pumping during BO3 events (especially road rage) were something else completely. BO going open world made
  7. Yeah it's pretty ridiculous. Everyone begging for quality VR titles and when they come the major sites don't even review them. More about clicks than coverage. PSVR has had an incredibly good year and Sony has continued to support it (surprisingly) with plenty more still to come. Might be a small niche community but it's definitely there.
  8. just added you. Clubs are still currently locked for me though.
  9. https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/astro-bot-rescue-mission On the back of Firewall and Moss too PSVR with a bigger and better triple hitter lineup than Xbox One this year
  10. Since this is the current Forza discussion thread I'll chime in with my early thoughts. Played for a few hours yesterday. It's still the superb arcadey Horizon racer. It looks absolutely breathtakingly good. It is still however just more Horizon, so much is the same. The map, the race icon/style, the structure, barns, etc. This is very much an annual (biannual) sequel in every way. One gripe I do have though, the addition of cosmetics as rewards is horrible imo. Roll a megaspin and get a 'Shiny pick slippers', 'Black Turtleneck' and some hat. This is a RACING game, why am I being
  11. What part of the vid though suggests that it is Rocksteady?
  12. Personally, this would be one of the biggest letdowns if this is what Rocksteady has been working on this whole time. I'm sure many would be excited though.
  13. Keen as! Origins was amazing and so underrated thanks to the competition it had last year. This time I'm pretty much just expecting more of the same though. If the locations are anywhere near as stunning as they were in Origins that alone would be worth it.
  14. Astro Bot getting excellent reviews!
  15. No point, all the first party devs who's games aren't announced are developing for next gen so nothing to announce yet. Too many events on these days too with companies need to spread their announcements around. I'd rather just have a megathon E3 every year.
  16. That's pretty devastating tbh. Also in all fairness, it is actually a lot easier and more likely to lose access to your games digitally than physically.
  17. Just give it to jonb personally.....he really, really needs it. The poor dude had State of Decay 2 as his GOTY prior
  18. The 'with women' line is extra. My general threshold with bullshit has greatly declined as I got older. If you're talking about the dating game with women then I've gladly been out for a very long time.
  19. Looks like I'll be needing to delete some stuff. AC Odyssey probably going to be massive also.
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