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Everything posted by madmaltese

  1. You own everything and you wouldn't get it over $100. Even if you just keep sealed. I own a psone and xbox too and if MS was to do this i'd instantly get one also.
  2. Stop acting like you wouldn't instantly buy an Xbox classic. It's not about the games or BC, it's an awesome item to have even for collecting for such a minimal cost. I already have a psone, I have psone games on PSP and Vita, this has nothing to do with even playing the games.
  3. I am and I wouldn't be touching the thing until I'm 100% sure the issue is fixed. With that said, I wasn't going to be touching the thing anyway cause I'm not getting Nintendo online cause it's a shithouse service.
  4. and all I said was that it wasn't burn in since jonb was reporting it as such (and it's the thread title), seems like an important thing to clear up, don't you think? I've already said that its a really shitty thing and ridiculous that it got through testing. I can say that and say that it isn't burn in, why are you guys such extreme fanboys lol the statements aren't mutually exclusive.
  5. If you actually do some reading instead of cumming all over yourself when you see any negative nintendo or sony news then I wouldn't have to correct your dumb ass every time
  6. It doesn't stay embedded, nearly all are reporting that it fades. It's an issue with the CRT filter on any source. Burn in doesn't fade like that (it also doesn't happen without the same image being on for ridiculous times on an LCD). Still an extremely shitty issue. But not burn in.
  7. Same as the fn SNES. I assume it's to keep the cost down. Annoying af though. Thankfully I have a lot of old adapter from old phones/ipads.
  8. jonb and deeno seem so happy that I feel bad to rain on their little happy moment (they don't get many), but it's officially NOT burn in: Switching to 4:3 or pixel perfect mode causes it to go away pretty much instantly. Seems like a strange bug with the filter. Still ridiculous it got through testing somehow and released this way but seems like an easy fix for those effect and a simple patch fix to permanently fix the problem
  9. Saul has been great this season but the pacing has been a bit strange. Got off to a fast start imo then the last few have been back to the slow burn and setup.
  10. The Switch's ability to consistently sell without any of it's blockbuster titles yet this year is pretty impressive. Has insane potential heading into a holiday with Smash and fucking Pokemon. Same goes for PS4. September is going to be big thanks to Spiderman, then they ride the holiday season with their 3rd party partners, notably RDR2. Going to be all about Horizon 4 for Xbox. Next few months are going to be interesting to watch.
  11. They don't release the total revenue though, not broken down anyway, just a total hardware revenue for the gaming industry, so there is nothing to tabulate because you don't have a total revenue to break down by $300.
  12. Oh yeah, I know, I just mean regarding deeno begging for exact numbers. NPD gives a summary and a rundown but they don't officially release exact numbers.
  13. NPD unfortunately doesn't release numbers so even the leaked numbers are usually estimates. Also they operate on a revenue bases for charting which is a bit annoying when it comes to software. That's why UK weekly sales charts are the best.
  14. Don't know how, Dyno said it had no legs.
  15. Dyno doesn't even know what Year to Date means
  16. 3 certainties of life: 1. Death 2. Taxes 3. Dyno being wrong
  17. Should someone tell slow jon that all it needs is an actual score to outscore all xbox exclusives this year (as there aren't any) or do we let him get permed?
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