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Everything posted by madmaltese

  1. I can already feel that this season is going to destroy me Keri Russel is the hottest badass ever btw.
  2. First ep of The Americans Did not see them going down this direction.
  3. @-GD-, what do I watch first, The Americans final season or Fargo S3. Can't decide.
  4. Didn't know they were considering going into a S2, would've been interesting. Yeah she still looks great for 43, nothing like being able to read a novel on her while hitting it also
  5. haha exact same story as me. Literally went to every corner of the map trying to figure out what I was missing then I accidentally figured it out after try over and over to make the jump thinking I just wasn't timing it well.
  6. Words can't explain how long it took me to figure out you can down attack those mushrooms to jump high in Hollow Knight.
  7. Hearing S3 of Fargo is so good has be keen af for it. Stopped after S2 having loved both. Will start it soon.
  8. Glad you're loving it! They nailed the slow burn in this show and ep7 finally exposes a lot of fd up shit. Believe it or not but the show actually holds back a bit, most probably due to Camille being played by Amy Adams.
  9. I never played the first and am playing 2 atm. Outside of some references to things in the original it feels like it's own self contained story.
  10. Saul was so fucking good. What a cameo!! Btw, heading into the Sharp Objects finale, I'd love to hear what anyone who hasn't read the books thinks (theories and thoughts of the series so far). I think it's been an incredibly loyal adaption of the book and has nailed the atmosphere and tone.
  11. Playing a lot of different games cause once September comes along anything that has come out prior basically doesn't exist. Some playing them to get a feel for the game but probably won't get through and others I want to finish before Spiderman. Main game: The Evil Within 2. So damn good, will definitely finish Secondary chill games: Dead Cells and Hollow Knight. Both are excellent. Probably won't play too much more Dead Cells because the grind is real and I don't have time to try things over and over and over. Also im playing it on PC so not that convenient. Hollo
  12. TEW2 has some of the best horror enemy designs I have ever witnessed in any medium. Incredible
  13. I'm still early in Dead Cells but I always have difficulty decided which items to keep in favour of others. Got any tips on a preferred load out that helped you progress?
  14. I'm also yet to watch Fargo S3 but will defs check it out. Loved the first 2. So hard to find the time though. Keen af for Ozark S2 also. Finished up Atlanta S2. Enjoyed it more than S1. Great show.
  15. I swear bro, with every ep of BCS I feel like I blink and it's over
  16. It truly is. The sheer density of the levels are breathtaking and the amount of unique options and methods available is amazing. So many I wouldn't even think of if not for looking at the challenges.
  17. Welcome to the life. Overcooked 2 out for a couple days and we are already one controller down.
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