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Everything posted by madmaltese

  1. Holy shit, actual tears for a multiplat. New lows. Deeno losing his mind but but he just reviewed spiderman....no time The game was gold back in July you moron, a full month before Spiderman went gold. Do you think he just started the review after the spiderman one went up?
  2. This is one of my pet hates in these semi open world style games. I hate cleaning out an area to then get to a new area with the same list repeated then again and again. For some reason it doesn't bother me as much in fully open worlds but in these semi open worlds I really can't stand it. With that said, I have zero doubt that it will include those things.
  3. That's amazing value. Don't forget that Sony recently announced the return of Playstation Hits which is a set price of $19.99 for many of it's most popular games. More to be added over time too. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2018/06/19/introducing-playstation-hits-great-games-at-a-great-price/
  4. He posts such a mix of pure news and resetera threads that I sometimes read a thread title and think it's news.........but nope, just some retard on reset era
  5. I always wanted the series to have an Uncharted level of leap between the first game and later ones but it never really came, was more small incremental things even though they have clearly tried to go down the uncharted cinematic route much more with each game. Will be interesting if this one gets the consensus as being the best TR game. I have forever harped on about how good Eidos Montreal was (CD always gets the major praise out of the western SE devs) so will be cool to see them get some credit in a franchise much more popular than what they usual work on (Deus Ex )
  6. Definitely worth getting one now. They have reached a quality control level with exclusives that few systems (if any) have ever had. Incredible the difference between the early PS4 years and now. Plus the arguably even bigger hitters still to come (TLoU2, Death Stranding)
  7. Half way into The Americans final season Oh man, it is slow burning this tension to insane levels. Shit is going to go so bad and it's gonna kill me
  8. just an FYI, apparently you need the other expansions too. It's strange how they did it but it's a progressive package, as in you can have base game, then dlc1 and not the rest but can't have base game, skip dlc1 and 2 and then get forsaken. That's my understanding but just double check before you get anything
  9. That was cool. Fighting games are the one genre where I always thought we'd have so crazy generational leap but it sort of never came. Guess cause at it's core the genre will always be just about the core mechanics. Don't know what i expected but when I was younger I also thought that the environments would just be far more prolific then still basically just a background. The MK and Injustice games do that somewhat but I still expected more.
  10. Of course everything I'm saying is if you have Forsaken. Not sure how it works if you just have the base game.
  11. Great trailer and looks very good. Does just look like more TR though and the review that leaked suggested as much. Pretty much the most refined game of the trilogy.
  12. I'm a big Destiny fan (day 1 for every game and dlc pack) and it has had many faults and issues over the years but this is currently the best Destiny has ever been. This is peak Bungie. For anyone that doesn't have D2 at all, to be able to go and buy the edition with the base game and all the expansions for the cost of a regular game (or a little more) is insane. Incredible amount of content and even if you don't care about the whole end game grind it is still worth playing through the campaign and strikes once. The gunplay is as great as ever but now they have fixed many quality of life issue
  13. That's awesome. Wouldn't be surprised if it happens. The game is full of so many little details and easter egg that that does seem very intentional.
  14. They are marketing the upcoming dlc pretty heavily so would be interesting to see if they want to overshadow that with a new game announcement so soon. Don't know what the easter egg you're talking about is but surely a new R&C game is in development after the last one did so well.
  15. - Fastest selling game of the year, beating Far Cry V which is on multiple consoles. - Sold almost double the amount that God of War did in it's first week - Fastest selling Marvel branded game in history -Fastest selling individual format game since PS4 version of COD WW2 last year None of that includes Digital https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2018-09-09-uk-charts-spider-man-is-fastest-selling-game-of-the-year BEAST!!!
  16. Sheesh, why are yous always so on edge regarding even a fucking hilarious moment on twitter? No part of this thread is in favour or against Obama, it's just a truly hilarious moment of a guy unknowingly talking to the guy that killed osama about killing osama. Has nothing to do with his initial tweet. Behaviour in this thread is what is wrong with the world politically, so 'side' orientated that you can't even have a giggle about a stupid twitter interaction.
  17. I like to leave 6-12 months between Yakuza games so they don't start to feel repetitive but this is my next one.
  18. I wonder what the breakdown of games like FIFA or the Bethesda titles would be. Probably the same in the opposite direction.
  19. Got Spiderman but all I want to play when I get a chance is more Destiny: Forsaken. So many people sleeping on this. Seriously best thing Bungie has made since Halo 3.
  20. The amount of amazing IPs these guys are acquiring is amazing. Whether that means they can translate that into worthy revivals is another thing but at least now there is hope. Even just a remaster and re release of KoA would be epic.
  21. Makes sense. The game fits that platform perfectly. No doubt people with multiple systems bought it on the switch over a PS4.
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