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Posts posted by madmaltese

  1. Maybe nearing half way through Far Cry 5. Still loving it. Gameplay loop is a lot of fun.


    1 hour ago, Sabo said:

    Finally decided to check out Assassin's Creed Origins. Put about an hour into the game so far and I'm not really feeling it. Combat is kind of whack and the stealth is simple shit. I just played a game with easy stealth gameplay (TEW2) so I'm not sure if I want to play another game with simple stealth gameplay immediately after... Might put this game on hold for the time being and play something else but I'll give it a couple more hours just to see if it picks up and gets better.

    AC:O has one of the worst intros ever but then opens up into one of the best open world games ever made. Definitely come back to it.  

  2. The Ni No Kuni 2 impressions here giving me mixed feelings. The kingdom building sounds amazing and something I'd really be into but sounds disjointed af. Still have plenty to play atm and FCV coming also so I'll probably wait and pick it up some time later in the year. 


    For now I'll stick with Kingdom Come, getting through Bayonetta 2 and Fortnite. 

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