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Everything posted by madmaltese

  1. Sounds like every game you ever list that was a little too easy......
  2. PS4 got DQXII, Guaca 2, Firewall Zero Hour and Spiderman in practically a week and the lems are still going on about their annual racer
  3. very next post. A lemmings hiding as a sheep The irony never ends.
  4. Nah I hadn't heard of those cables. They sound awesome though!
  5. Between having no games to buy and the rest being handed out on Gamepass the lemmings have forgotten what it's like to buy a game.
  6. One of the most simple yet massively annoying design oversights on the system.
  7. Going to be so damn good and they are actually adding to their package unlike COD which is taking away.
  8. No wonder we drowning in tears in this thread. They can't even get one little tiny win
  9. Dead game Epic came and ate it for breakfast.
  10. Sounds like my every night. I don't go in bed till super late (when i do my gaming) and when I go in bed i usually put a podcast on and try sleep while it plays. Quiet nights = brain working non stop.
  11. It's the way that games are shown off these days. Much slower, showing off small details and gameplay elements. Probably part of the whole more mature era gaming is entering. Makes it all the funnier when a crazy jap game pops up
  12. You not knowing something and being wrong isn't exactly breaking news. This shit has been happening for literally years. BF1 was one of the first back in 2016 http://au.ign.com/articles/2016/08/08/130-battlefield-1-collectors-edition-doesnt-come-with-the-game Even Recore did it: https://www.game.co.uk/en/recore-collectors-edition-no-software-1228949 Now it is pretty much common practice. Wolfenstein: https://www.giantbomb.com/forums/wolfenstein-the-new-order-621518/100-collector-s-edition-doesn-t-come-with-the-game-1478163/
  13. Without a shadow of a doubt the best ending in gaming imo.
  14. This is a pretty common thing now since digital adoption has increased to near 50% levels. Available for most major titles.
  15. Finally watched Hereditary. Great movie. No where near as scary as I expected though, I felt the trailer included many of the big creepy moments. 8.5/10
  16. Finished TEW2, great game. Not RE7 level of godliness but still great none the less. Now I just wait for Forsaken and Spiderman
  17. Glad you liked it! Finale was great and the show overall absolutely nailed the atmosphere of the book. Glad there isn't a second season, ending the show with those credit scenes is perfect.
  18. Getting close to finishing TEW2. Will be done before Forsaken
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